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16 In the Bible God says this: ‘You must be completely good, because I am completely good.’[a]

17 God knows what each person has done, and he judges each one for those things. He is always fair when he decides about people. He is never kinder to one person than he is to another person. When you pray to God, you call him ‘Father’. So then, always respect him, while you live as strangers here in the world. 18 Your ancestors lived in a way that did not make them really happy. That is the way that you learned to live as well. But now God has saved you from that way of life. You know that he has bought you for himself. He did not buy you with things that do not continue for ever, like silver or gold.

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  1. 1:16 In the book of Leviticus, God says five times that we should be completely good, like him. See Leviticus 11:44,45; 19:2; 20:7,26.