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You won’t spend the rest of your lives chasing your own desires, but you will be anxious to do the will of God.

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22 throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.

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14 So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then.

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Once we, too, were foolish and disobedient. We were misled and became slaves to many lusts and pleasures. Our lives were full of evil and envy, and we hated each other. But—

When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.[a] He generously poured out the Spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior. Because of his grace he made us right in his sight and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life.

This is a trustworthy saying, and I want you to insist on these teachings so that all who trust in God will devote themselves to doing good. These teachings are good and beneficial for everyone.

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  1. 3:5 Greek He saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.

Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you. As slaves of Christ, do the will of God with all your heart.

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11 So you also should consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus.

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15 He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.

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All of us used to live that way, following the passionate desires and inclinations of our sinful nature. By our very nature we were subject to God’s anger, just like everyone else.

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Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?

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Don’t participate in the things these people do. For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!

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Living as Children of Light

17 With the Lord’s authority I say this: Live no longer as the Gentiles do, for they are hopelessly confused.

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For we don’t live for ourselves or die for ourselves.

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So get rid of all evil behavior. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech.

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19 For when I tried to keep the law, it condemned me. So I died to the law—I stopped trying to meet all its requirements—so that I might live for God. 20 My old self has been crucified with Christ.[a] It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

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  1. 2:20 Some English translations put this sentence in verse 19.

10 Teach me to do your will,
    for you are my God.
May your gracious Spirit lead me forward
    on a firm footing.

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You used to do these things when your life was still part of this world. But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language.

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17 Anyone who wants to do the will of God will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my own.

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21 For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder,

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35 Anyone who does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

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But like Adam,[a] you broke my covenant
    and betrayed my trust.

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  1. 6:7 Or But at Adam.

17 And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.

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14 or the officials he has appointed. For the king has sent them to punish those who do wrong and to honor those who do right.

15 It is God’s will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you.

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18 He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.[a]

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  1. 1:18 Greek we became a kind of firstfruit of his creatures.

21 may he equip you with all you need
    for doing his will.
May he produce in you,[a]
    through the power of Jesus Christ,
every good thing that is pleasing to him.
    All glory to him forever and ever! Amen.

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  1. 13:21 Some manuscripts read in us.

18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

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