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64 On that day King Solomon ·made holy [consecrated] the middle part of the courtyard which is in front of the ·Temple [L house] of the Lord. There he offered whole burnt offerings [Lev. 1:1–17], grain [L gift; tribute] offerings [Lev. 2:1], and the fat of the ·fellowship [peace; well-being] offerings [Lev. 3:1]. He offered them in the courtyard, because the bronze altar before the Lord was too small to hold all the burnt offerings, the grain offerings, and the fat of the ·fellowship [peace] offerings.

65 Solomon and all the Israelites ·celebrated the other festival [observed the feast; C the Feast of Shelters; ] that came at that time. People came from as far away as Lebo Hamath [C in the north] and the brook of Egypt [C in the south]. A great many people celebrated before the Lord for seven days, then seven more days, for a total of fourteen days. 66 On the ·following [L eighth] day Solomon sent the people home. They blessed the king as they went, happy because of all the ·good things [goodness] the Lord had ·done [shown] for his servant David and his people Israel.

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