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The ·palace [L house] where Solomon lived was built like the Hall of Justice, and it was behind this hall. Solomon also built the same kind of ·palace [L house] for his wife, who was the daughter of ·the king of Egypt [L Pharaoh].

All these buildings were made with blocks of ·fine [costly, high-grade] stone. First they were ·carefully cut [cut to measure/size]. Then they were trimmed with a saw in the front and back. These fine stones went from the foundations of the buildings to the ·top of the walls [eaves; coping]. ·Even the courtyard was made with blocks of stone […and all the way to the courtyard]. 10 The foundations were made with large blocks of ·fine [costly; high-grade] stone, some as long as ·fifteen feet [L ten cubits]. Others were ·twelve feet [L eight cubits] long.

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