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11 Ahab answered, “Tell Ben-Hadad, ‘·The man who puts on his armor should not brag. It’s the man who lives to take it off who has the right to brag [L Let not him who puts on boast like him who takes off; C that is, boast only after victory in battle, not before].’”

12 Ben-Hadad was drinking in his tent with the ·other rulers [kings] when the message came from Ahab. Ben-Hadad commanded his men to prepare to attack the city, and they ·moved into place for battle [took their positions].

13 At the same time a prophet came to Ahab king of Israel. The prophet said, “Ahab, ·the Lord says to you [T thus says the Lord], ‘Do you see that ·big army [L great multitude]? I will hand it over to you today so you will know I am the Lord.’ ”

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