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10 so I will soon bring ·disaster [calamity] to ·your family [L the house of Jeroboam]. I will ·kill [L cut off] all the men ·in your family [L from Jeroboam], both ·slaves [bond] and free men. I will ·destroy [or sweep away] your family as ·completely as fire burns up [or one sweeps away] ·manure [dung]. 11 Anyone from your family who dies in the city will be eaten by dogs, and those who die in the ·fields [country] will be eaten by the ·birds [vultures; L birds of the air/sky]. The Lord has spoken.’”

12 Then Ahijah said to Jeroboam’s wife, “Go home now. As soon as you enter your city, ·your son [the child/boy] will die,

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