17 For [a]I have been told (A)by the word of the Lord, ‘You shall not eat bread nor drink water there, nor return by going the way you came.’ ”

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  1. 1 Kings 13:17 Lit. a command came to me by

Ahab Condemned

35 Now a certain man of (A)the sons of the prophets said to his neighbor (B)by the word of the Lord, “Strike me, please.” And the man refused to strike him.

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15 For this we say to you (A)by the word of the Lord, that (B)we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are [a]asleep.

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  1. 1 Thessalonians 4:15 Dead

The Message of the Man of God

13 And behold, (A)a man of God went from Judah to Bethel [a]by the word of the Lord, (B)and Jeroboam stood by the altar to burn incense.

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  1. 1 Kings 13:1 at the Lord’s command

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