46 In the plain of the Jordan the king cast them, in the clay ground between (A)Succoth and (B)Zarethan.

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16 the waters coming down from above stood and rose up in a heap very far away, at Adam, the city that is beside (A)Zarethan, and those flowing down toward the Sea of (B)the Arabah, (C)the Salt Sea, were completely cut off. And the people passed over opposite Jericho.

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17 In the plain of the Jordan the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredah.[a]

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  1. 2 Chronicles 4:17 Spelled Zarethan in 1 Kings 7:46

17 But Jacob journeyed to (A)Succoth, and built himself a house and made booths for his livestock. Therefore the name of the place is called Succoth.[a]

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  1. Genesis 33:17 Succoth means booths

27 and in the valley Beth-haram, Beth-nimrah, (A)Succoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, having the Jordan as a boundary, to the lower end of the Sea of (B)Chinnereth, eastward beyond the Jordan.

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12 Baana the son of Ahilud, in (A)Taanach, Megiddo, and all (B)Beth-shean that is beside Zarethan below Jezreel, and from Beth-shean to Abel-meholah, as far as the other side of Jokmeam;

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