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(A) The Word that gives life
    was from the beginning,
and this is the one
    our message is about.

Our ears have heard,
    our eyes have seen,
and our hands have touched
    this Word.

(B) The one who gives life appeared! We saw it happen, and we are witnesses to what we have seen. Now we are telling you about this eternal life that was with the Father and appeared to us. We are telling you what we have seen and heard, so you may share in this life with us. And we share in it with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. We are writing to tell you these things, because this makes us[a] truly happy.

God Is Light

Jesus told us God is light and doesn't have any darkness in him. Now we are telling you.

If we say we share in life with God and keep on living in the dark, we are lying and are not living by the truth. (C) But if we live in the light, as God does, we share in life with each other. And the blood of his Son Jesus washes all our sins away. If we say we have not sinned, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth isn't in our hearts. But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.

10 If we say we have not sinned, we make God a liar, and his message isn't in our hearts.[b]


  1. 1.4 us: Some manuscripts have “you.”
  2. 1.10 and his message isn't in our hearts: Or “because we have not accepted his message.”

King Josiah of Judah

(2 Kings 22.1,2)

34 (A) Josiah was 8 years old when he became king of Judah, and he ruled 31 years from Jerusalem. He followed the example of his ancestor David and always obeyed the Lord.

Josiah Stops the Worship of Foreign Gods

(2 Kings 23.4-20)

When Josiah was only 16 years old he began worshiping God, just as his ancestor David had done. Then, 4 years later, he decided to destroy the local shrines[a] in Judah and Jerusalem, as well as the sacred poles[b] for worshiping the goddess Asherah and the idols of foreign gods. (B) He watched as the altars for the worship of the god Baal were torn down, and as the nearby incense altars were smashed. The Asherah poles, the idols, and the stone images were also smashed, and the pieces were scattered over the graves of their worshipers. (C) Josiah then had the bones of the pagan priests burned on the altars.[c]

And so Josiah got rid of the worship of foreign gods in Judah and Jerusalem. He did the same things in the towns and ruined villages[d] in the territories of West Manasseh, Ephraim, and Simeon, as far as the border of Naphtali. Everywhere in the northern kingdom of Israel, Josiah tore down pagan altars and Asherah poles; he crushed idols to dust and smashed incense altars.

Then Josiah went back to Jerusalem.

Hilkiah Finds The Book of God's Law

(2 Kings 22.3-20)

In the eighteenth year of Josiah's rule in Judah, after he had removed all the sinful things from the land and from the Lord's temple, he sent three of his officials to repair the temple. They were Shaphan son of Azaliah, Governor Maaseiah of Jerusalem, and Joah son of Joahaz, who kept the government records.

These three men went to Hilkiah the high priest. They gave him the money that the Levite guards had collected from the people of West Manasseh, Ephraim, and the rest of Israel, as well as those living in Judah, Benjamin, and Jerusalem. 10 Then the money was turned over to the men who supervised the repairs to the temple. They used some of it to pay the workers, 11 and they gave the rest of it to the carpenters and builders, who used it to buy the stone and wood they needed to repair the other buildings that Judah's kings had not taken care of.

12 The workers were honest, and their supervisors were Jahath and Obadiah from the Levite clan of Merari, and Zechariah and Meshullam from the Levite clan of Kohath. Other Levites, who were all skilled musicians, 13 were in charge of carrying supplies and supervising the workers. Other Levites were appointed to stand guard around the temple.

14 While the money was being given to these supervisors, Hilkiah found the book that contained the laws that the Lord had given to Moses. 15 Hilkiah handed the book to Shaphan the official and said, “Look what I found here in the temple—The Book of God's Law.”

16 Shaphan took the book to Josiah and reported, “Your officials are doing everything you wanted. 17 They have collected the money from the temple and have given it to the men supervising the repairs. 18 But there's something else, Your Majesty. The priest Hilkiah gave me this book.” Then Shaphan read it aloud.

19 When Josiah heard what was in The Book of God's Law, he tore his clothes in sorrow. 20 At once he called together Hilkiah, Shaphan, Ahikam son of Shaphan, Abdon son of Micah,[e] and his own servant Asaiah. He said, 21 “The Lord must be furious with me and everyone else in Israel and Judah, because our ancestors did not obey the laws written in this book. Go find out what the Lord wants us to do.”

22 Hilkiah and the four other men left at once and went to talk with Huldah the prophet. Her husband was Shallum,[f] who was in charge of the king's clothes. Huldah lived in the northern part of Jerusalem, and when they met in her home, 23 she said:

You were sent here by King Josiah, and this is what the Lord God of Israel says to him: 24 “Josiah, I am the Lord! And I intend to punish this country and everyone in it, just as this book says. 25 The people of Judah and Israel have rejected me. They have offered sacrifices to foreign gods and have worshiped their own idols. I can't stand it any longer. I am furious.

26-27 “Josiah, listen to what I am going to do. I noticed how sad you were when you heard that this country and its people would be completely wiped out. You even tore your clothes in sorrow, and I heard you cry. 28 So before I destroy this place, I will let you die in peace.”

The men left and reported to Josiah what Huldah had said.

Josiah Reads The Book of God's Law

(2 Kings 23.1-3)

29 King Josiah called together the leaders of Judah and Jerusalem. 30 Then he went to the Lord's temple, together with all the people of Judah and Jerusalem, the priests, and the Levites.

Finally, when everybody was there, he read aloud The Book of God's Law[g] that had been found in the temple.

31 After Josiah had finished reading, he stood in the place reserved for the king. He promised in the Lord's name to faithfully obey the Lord and to follow his laws and teachings that were written in the book. 32 Then he asked the people of Jerusalem and Benjamin to make that same promise and to obey the God their ancestors had worshiped.

33 Josiah destroyed all the idols in the territories of Israel, and he commanded everyone in Israel to worship only the Lord God. The people did not turn away from the Lord God of their ancestors for the rest of Josiah's rule as king.


  1. 34.3 local shrines: See the note at 11.15.
  2. 34.3 sacred poles: See the note at 14.3.
  3. 34.5 the bones of the pagan priests burned on the altars: This made the altars unclean, so that they could not be used in worshiping any god.
  4. 34.6 ruined villages: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  5. 34.20 Abdon son of Micah: Also called “Achbor son of Micaiah” (see 2 Kings 22.12).
  6. 34.22 Shallum: Hebrew “Shallum son of Tokhath son of Hasrah.”
  7. 34.30 The Book of God's Law: The Hebrew text has “The Book of God's Agreement,” which is the same as “The Book of God's Law” in verses 15 and 19. In traditional translations this is called “The Book of the Covenant.”

19 In a vision, you once said
    to your faithful followers:
“I have helped a mighty hero.
I chose him from my people
    and made him famous.
20 (A) David, my servant, is the one
    I chose to be king,
21 and I will always be there
    to help and strengthen him.

22 “No enemy will outsmart David,
and he won't be defeated
    by any hateful people.
23 I will strike down and crush
    his troublesome enemies.
24 He will always be able
    to depend on my love,
and I will make him strong
    with my own power.
25 I will let him rule the lands
    across the rivers and seas.
26 He will say to me,
‘You are my Father
    and my God,
as well as the mighty rock[a]
    where I am safe.’

27 (B) “I have chosen David
    as my first-born son,
and he will be the ruler
    of all kings on earth.
28 My love for him will last,
and my agreement with him
    will never be broken.

29 “One of David's descendants
    will always be king,
and his family will rule
    until the sky disappears.
30 Suppose some of his children
should reject my Law
    and refuse my instructions.
31 Or suppose they should disobey
    all of my teachings.
32 Then I will correct
and punish them
    because of their sins.
33 But I will always love David
and faithfully keep all
    of my promises to him.

34 “I won't break my agreement
    or go back on my word.
35 I have sworn once and for all
by my own holy name,
    and I won't lie to David.
36 His family will always rule.
    I will let his kingdom last
as long as the sun 37 and moon
    appear in the sky.”

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  1. 89.26 mighty rock: See the note at 18.2.

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