1 Esdras 8:17-19
Wycliffe Bible
17 And the sacred holy vessels, the which were given to thee, to (or for) the works of the Lord’s house, thy God, that is in Jerusalem, [And the sacred holy vessels, that be given to thee, to the works of the house of the Lord thy God, that is in Jerusalem,]
18 and other things, whatever will help to (or for) the works of the temple of thy God, thou shalt give it (out) of the king’s treasury, when thou wilt make the work with thy brethren, with gold and silver; and perform thou all thing(s) after the will of thy Lord.
19 And I, king Artaxerxes, have commanded to [the] keepers of the treasures of Syria and of Phenice (or have commanded to the treasury officials of Syria and Phoenicia), that whatever things Ezra, the priest, and (the) reader of the law of the Lord, write for, busily (or swiftly) be it given to him,
Read full chapter2001 by Terence P. Noble