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42 And so the again-rising of dead men. It is sown in corruption, it shall rise in uncorruption;

43 it is sown in unnobleness [it is sown in unnobility], it shall rise in glory; it is sown in infirmity, it shall rise in virtue;

44 it is sown a beastly body, it shall rise a spiritual body. If there is a beastly body, there is also a spiritual body;

45 as it is written, The first man Adam was made into a soul living, the last Adam into a spirit quickening.

46 But the first is not that that is spiritual [But not first was that body that is spiritual], but that that is beast-like, afterward that that is spiritual.

47 The first man of earth is earthly; the second man of heaven is heavenly [the second man of heaven is heaven-like].

48 Such as the earthly man is, such be [and] the earthly men; and such as the heavenly man is, such be also the heavenly men.

49 Therefore as we have borne the image of the earthly man, bear we also the image of the heavenly man [bear we and the image of the heavenly].

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