15 So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit,(A) but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing(B) with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding. 16 Otherwise when you are praising God in the Spirit, how can someone else, who is now put in the position of an inquirer,[a] say “Amen”(C) to your thanksgiving,(D) since they do not know what you are saying? 17 You are giving thanks well enough, but no one else is edified.(E)

18 I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. 19 But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue.(F)

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  1. 1 Corinthians 14:16 The Greek word for inquirer is a technical term for someone not fully initiated into a religion; also in verses 23 and 24.

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