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18 stationed previously in the king’s gate on the east side. These were the gatekeepers of the camp of the Levites.(A)

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Miscellaneous Regulations

46 “Thus says the Lord God: The gate of the inner court that faces east shall remain closed on the six working days, but on the Sabbath day it shall be opened, and on the day of the new moon it shall be opened.(A) The prince shall enter by the vestibule of the gate from outside and shall take his stand by the post of the gate. The priests shall offer his burnt offering and his offerings of well-being, and he shall bow down at the entryway of the gate. Then he shall go out, but the gate shall not be closed until evening.(B)

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Peter Speaks in Solomon’s Portico

11 While he clung to Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the portico called Solomon’s Portico, utterly astonished.(A)

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The Lord said to me: “This gate shall remain shut; it shall not be opened, and no one shall enter by it, for the Lord, the God of Israel, has entered by it; therefore it shall remain shut. Only the prince, because he is a prince, may sit in it to eat food before the Lord; he shall enter by way of the vestibule of the gate and shall go out by the same way.”(A)

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12 These divisions of the gatekeepers, corresponding to their leaders, had duties, just as their kindred did, ministering in the house of the Lord,(A) 13 and they cast lots by ancestral houses, small and great alike, for their gates.(B) 14 The lot for the east fell to Shelemiah. They cast lots also for his son Zechariah, a prudent counselor, and his lot came out for the north. 15 Obed-edom’s came out for the south, and to his sons was allotted the storehouse. 16 For Shuppim and Hosah it came out for the west, at the gate of Shallecheth on the ascending road. Guard corresponded to guard. 17 On the east there were six Levites each day,[a] on the north four each day, on the south four each day, as well as two and two at the storehouse, 18 and for the colonnade[b] on the west there were four at the road and two at the colonnade.[c] 19 These were the divisions of the gatekeepers among the Korahites and the sons of Merari.

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  1. 26.17 Gk: Heb lacks each day
  2. 26.18 Meaning of Heb uncertain
  3. 26.18 Meaning of Heb uncertain

19 He took the captains, the Carites, the guards, and all the people of the land; then they brought the king down from the house of the Lord, marching through the gate of the guards to the king’s house. He took his seat on the throne of the kings.(A)

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the food of his table, the seating of his officials, and the attendance of his servants, their clothing, his valets, and his burnt offerings that he offered at the house of the Lord, it took her breath away.(A)

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