12 He gave him the plans of all that the Spirit(A) had put in his mind for the courts of the temple of the Lord and all the surrounding rooms, for the treasuries of the temple of God and for the treasuries for the dedicated things.(B)

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The Treasurers and Other Officials

20 Their fellow Levites(A) were[a] in charge of the treasuries of the house of God and the treasuries for the dedicated things.(B)

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  1. 1 Chronicles 26:20 Septuagint; Hebrew As for the Levites, Ahijah was

They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy(A) and shadow(B) of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned(C) when he was about to build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.”[a](D)

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  1. Hebrews 8:5 Exodus 25:40

26 Shelomith and his relatives were in charge of all the treasuries for the things dedicated(A) by King David, by the heads of families who were the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, and by the other army commanders. 27 Some of the plunder taken in battle they dedicated for the repair of the temple of the Lord. 28 And everything dedicated by Samuel the seer(B) and by Saul son of Kish, Abner son of Ner and Joab son of Zeruiah, and all the other dedicated things were in the care of Shelomith and his relatives.

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15 So Hezekiah gave(A) him all the silver that was found in the temple of the Lord and in the treasuries of the royal palace.

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And Ahaz took the silver and gold found in the temple of the Lord and in the treasuries of the royal palace and sent it as a gift(A) to the king of Assyria.

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18 Asa then took all the silver and gold that was left in the treasuries of the Lord’s temple(A) and of his own palace. He entrusted it to his officials and sent(B) them to Ben-Hadad(C) son of Tabrimmon, the son of Hezion, the king of Aram, who was ruling in Damascus.

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15 He brought into the temple of the Lord the silver and gold and the articles that he and his father had dedicated.(A)

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26 He carried off the treasures of the temple(A) of the Lord and the treasures of the royal palace. He took everything, including all the gold shields(B) Solomon had made.

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“See, I have chosen Bezalel(A) son of Uri, the son of Hur,(B) of the tribe of Judah,

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40 See that you make them according to the pattern(A) shown you on the mountain.

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