Job 31:16-23
New International Version
16 “If I have denied the desires of the poor(A)
or let the eyes of the widow(B) grow weary,(C)
17 if I have kept my bread to myself,
not sharing it with the fatherless(D)—
18 but from my youth I reared them as a father would,
and from my birth I guided the widow(E)—
19 if I have seen anyone perishing for lack of clothing,(F)
or the needy(G) without garments,
20 and their hearts did not bless me(H)
for warming them with the fleece(I) from my sheep,
21 if I have raised my hand against the fatherless,(J)
knowing that I had influence in court,(K)
22 then let my arm fall from the shoulder,
let it be broken off at the joint.(L)
23 For I dreaded destruction from God,(M)
and for fear of his splendor(N) I could not do such things.(O)
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NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.
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