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Psalm 66[a]

Praise of God, Israel’s Deliverer

For the leader. A song; a psalm.


Shout joyfully to God, all the earth;
    sing of his glorious name;
    give him glorious praise.(A)
Say to God: “How awesome your deeds!
    Before your great strength your enemies cringe.

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  1. Psalm 66 In the first part (Ps 66:1–12), the community praises God for powerful acts for Israel, both in the past (the exodus from Egypt and the entry into the land [Ps 66:6]) and in the present (deliverance from a recent but unspecified calamity [Ps 66:8–12]). In the second part (Ps 66:13–20), an individual from the rescued community fulfills a vow to offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving. As often in thanksgivings, the rescued person steps forward to teach the community what God has done (Ps 66:16–20).


[a]Come and see the works of God,
    awesome in deeds before the children of Adam.

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  1. 66:5–6 cf. the events described in Ex 14:1–15, 21; Jos 3:11–4:24 and Ps 114.

Bless our God, you peoples;
    loudly sound his praise,

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16 Come and hear, all you who fear God,
    while I recount what has been done for me.
17 I called to him with my mouth;
    praise was upon my tongue.

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