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All who see me mock me;
    they curl their lips and jeer;
    they shake their heads at me:(A)
“He relied on the Lord—let him deliver him;
    if he loves him, let him rescue him.”(B)

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17 Dogs surround me;
    a pack of evildoers closes in on me.
They have pierced my hands and my feet
18     I can count all my bones.(A)
They stare at me and gloat;
19     they divide my garments among them;
    for my clothing they cast lots.(B)
20 But you, Lord, do not stay far off;
    my strength, come quickly to help me.

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23 Then I will proclaim your name to my brethren;
    in the assembly I will praise you:[a](A)
24 “You who fear the Lord, give praise!
    All descendants of Jacob, give honor;
    show reverence, all descendants of Israel!

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  1. 22:23 In the assembly I will praise you: the person who offered a thanksgiving sacrifice in the Temple recounted to the other worshipers the favor received from God and invited them to share in the sacrificial banquet. The final section (Ps 22:24–32) may be a summary or a citation of the psalmist’s poem of praise.