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Psalm 17[a]

Prayer for Rescue from Persecutors

A prayer of David.


Hear, Lord, my plea for justice;
    pay heed to my cry;
Listen to my prayer
    from lips without guile.

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  1. Psalm 17 A lament of an individual unjustly attacked. Confident of being found innocent, the psalmist cries out for God’s just judgment (Ps 17:1–5) and requests divine help against enemies (Ps 17:6–9a). Those ravenous lions (Ps 17:9b–12) should be punished (Ps 17:13–14). The Psalm ends with a serene statement of praise (Ps 17:15). The Hebrew text of Ps 17:3–4, 14 is uncertain.


I call upon you; answer me, O God.
    Turn your ear to me; hear my speech.
Show your wonderful mercy,
    you who deliver with your right arm
    those who seek refuge from their foes.
[a]Keep me as the apple of your eye;
    hide me in the shadow of your wings

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  1. 17:8 Apple of your eye…shadow of your wings: images of God’s special care, cf. Dt 32:10; Prv 7:2; Is 49:2.

15 I am just—let me see your face;
    when I awake, let me be filled with your presence.(A)

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