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Psalm 105[a]

God’s Fidelity to the Promise


Give thanks to the Lord, invoke his name;(A)
    make known among the peoples his deeds!(B)
Sing praise to him, play music;
    proclaim all his wondrous deeds!
Glory in his holy name;
    let hearts that seek the Lord rejoice!
Seek out the Lord and his might;
    constantly seek his face.(C)

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  1. Psalm 105 A hymn to God who promised the land of Canaan to the holy people, cf. Ps 78; 106; 136. Israel is invited to praise and seek the presence of God (Ps 105:1–6), who is faithful to the promise of land to the ancestors (Ps 105:7–11). In every phase of the national story—the ancestors in the land of Canaan (Ps 105:12–15), Joseph in Egypt (Ps 105:16–22), Israel in Egypt (Ps 105:23–38), Israel in the desert on the way to Canaan (Ps 105:39–45)—God remained faithful, reiterating the promise of the land to successive servants.

You descendants of Abraham his servant,
    offspring of Jacob the chosen one!

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