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13 But you, Lord, are enthroned forever;
    your renown is for all generations.(A)
14 You will again show mercy to Zion;
    now is the time for pity;
    the appointed time has come.
15 Its stones are dear to your servants;
    its dust moves them to pity.
16 The nations shall fear your name, Lord,
    all the kings of the earth, your glory,(B)
17 Once the Lord has rebuilt Zion
    and appeared in glory,
18 Heeding the plea of the lowly,
    not scorning their prayer.
19 Let this be written for the next generation,
    for a people not yet born,
    that they may praise the Lord:(C)
20 [a]“The Lord looked down from the holy heights,
    viewed the earth from heaven,(D)
21 To attend to the groaning of the prisoners,
    to release those doomed to die.”(E)

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  1. 102:20–23 Both Ps 102:20–21 and Ps 102:22–23 depend on Ps 102:19.