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Psalm 17[a]

Prayer for Rescue from Persecutors

A prayer of David.


Hear, Lord, my plea for justice;
    pay heed to my cry;
Listen to my prayer
    from lips without guile.
From you let my vindication come;
    your eyes see what is right.
You have tested my heart,
    searched it in the night.(A)
You have tried me by fire,
    but find no malice in me.
My mouth has not transgressed

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  1. Psalm 17 A lament of an individual unjustly attacked. Confident of being found innocent, the psalmist cries out for God’s just judgment (Ps 17:1–5) and requests divine help against enemies (Ps 17:6–9a). Those ravenous lions (Ps 17:9b–12) should be punished (Ps 17:13–14). The Psalm ends with a serene statement of praise (Ps 17:15). The Hebrew text of Ps 17:3–4, 14 is uncertain.


I call upon you; answer me, O God.
    Turn your ear to me; hear my speech.
Show your wonderful mercy,
    you who deliver with your right arm
    those who seek refuge from their foes.
[a]Keep me as the apple of your eye;
    hide me in the shadow of your wings

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  1. 17:8 Apple of your eye…shadow of your wings: images of God’s special care, cf. Dt 32:10; Prv 7:2; Is 49:2.

15 I am just—let me see your face;
    when I awake, let me be filled with your presence.(A)

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