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What we have heard and know;
    things our ancestors have recounted to us.(A)

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23 [a]So he commanded the clouds above;
    and opened the doors of heaven.
24 God rained manna upon them for food;
    grain from heaven he gave them.(A)
25 Man ate the bread of the angels;[b]
    food he sent in abundance.

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  1. 78:23–31 On the manna and the quail, see Ex 16 and Nm 11. Unlike Ex 16, here both manna and quail are instruments of punishment, showing that a divine gift can become deadly because of Israel’s apostasy.
  2. 78:25 Bread of the angels: the translation “angels” comports with the supernatural origin of the manna, though the Hebrew lechem ‘abbirim is more literally translated as “bread of the strong ones” or “bread of the mighty.” In the context of the manna event, this phrase cannot possibly mean the Israelites or any human being.

54 And he brought them to his holy mountain,
    the hill his right hand had won.(A)

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