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Psalm 113[a]

Praise of God’s Care for the Poor



Praise, you servants of the Lord,
    praise the name of the Lord.(A)
Blessed be the name of the Lord
    both now and forever.
From the rising of the sun to its setting(B)
    let the name of the Lord be praised.


High above all nations is the Lord;
    above the heavens his glory.(C)
Who is like the Lord our God,
    enthroned on high,
    (D)looking down on heaven and earth?
He raises the needy from the dust,
    lifts the poor from the ash heap,(E)
Seats them with princes,
    the princes of the people,

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  1. Psalm 113 A hymn exhorting the congregation to praise God’s name, i.e., the way in which God is present in the world; the name is mentioned three times in Ps 113:1–3. The divine name is especially honored in the Temple (Ps 113:1) but its recognition is not limited by time (Ps 113:2) and space (Ps 113:3), for God is everywhere active (Ps 113:4–5) especially in rescuing the lowly faithful (Ps 113:7–9).