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Shebna and Eliakim

15 Thus says the Lord, the God of hosts:
    Up, go to that official,
    Shebna,[a] master of the palace,

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  1. 22:15 Shebna: by the time of the siege of Jerusalem in 36:3, Shebna, the scribe, no longer held the office of master of the palace.

19 I will thrust you from your office
    and pull you down from your station.
20 On that day I will summon my servant
    Eliakim,[a] son of Hilkiah;(A)
21 I will clothe him with your robe,
    gird him with your sash,
    confer on him your authority.
He shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
    and to the house of Judah.(B)
22 I will place the key[b] of the House of David on his shoulder;
    what he opens, no one will shut,
    what he shuts, no one will open.(C)
23 I will fix him as a peg in a firm place,
    a seat of honor for his ancestral house;

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  1. 22:20 Eliakim: by the time of the events described in 36:3, Eliakim had replaced Shebna as master of the palace.
  2. 22:22 Key: symbol of authority; cf. Mt 16:19; Rev 3:7.