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Moses said to all the Israelites, “This is what the Lord has commanded: From what you have, take an offering for the Lord. Let everyone who is willing bring this offering to the Lord: gold, silver, bronze, blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen, goat hair and male sheep skins, colored red. And they may bring fine leather and acacia wood. They may also bring olive oil for the lamps, spices for the special olive oil used for appointing priests and for the sweet-smelling incense. And they may bring onyx stones and other jewels to be put on the holy vest and chest covering of the priests.

10 “Let all the skilled workers come and make everything the Lord commanded: 11 the Holy Tent, its outer tent and its covering, the hooks, frames, crossbars, posts and bases; 12 the Ark of the Covenant, its poles, lid and the curtain in front of it; 13 the table and its poles, all the things that go with the table and the bread that shows we are in God’s presence; 14 the lampstand for the light and all the things that go with it, the lamps and olive oil for the light; 15 the altar of incense and its poles, the special oil and the sweet-smelling incense, the curtain for the entrance of the Meeting Tent; 16 the altar of burnt offering and its bronze screen, its poles and all its tools, the bronze bowl and its base; 17 the curtains around the courtyard, their posts and bases, and the curtain at the entry to the courtyard; 18 the pegs of the Holy Tent and of the courtyard and their ropes; 19 the special clothes that the priest will wear in the Holy Place. These are the holy clothes for Aaron the priest and his sons to wear when they serve as priests.”

20 Then all the people of Israel went away from Moses. 21 Everyone who wanted to give came and brought a gift to the Lord. These gifts were used for making the Meeting Tent, all the things in the Tent and the special clothes. 22 All the men and women who wanted to give brought gold jewelry of all kinds. They brought pins, earrings, rings and bracelets. They all presented their gold to the Lord. 23 Everyone who had blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen came and gave it to the Lord. Anyone who had goat hair or male sheep skins colored red or fine leather brought them to the Lord. 24 Everyone who could give silver or bronze brought that as a gift to the Lord. Everyone who had acacia wood to be used in the work brought it. 25 Every skilled woman used her hands to make the blue, purple and red thread and fine linen. And they brought what they had made. 26 All the women who were skilled and wanted to help made thread of the goat hair. 27 The leaders brought onyx stones and other jewels. These stones and jewels were put on the holy vest and chest covering for the priest. 28 They also brought spices and olive oil. These were used for the sweet-smelling incense, the special oil and the oil to burn in the lamps. 29 All the men and women of Israel who wanted to help brought gifts to the Lord. They were used for all the work the Lord had commanded Moses and the people to do.

30 Then Moses said to the people of Israel, “Look, the Lord has chosen Bezalel. He is the son of Uri the son of Hur, from the tribe of Judah. 31 The Lord has filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God. The Lord has given Bezalel the skill, ability and knowledge to do all kinds of work. 32 He is able to design pieces to be made of gold, silver and bronze. 33 He is able to cut stones and jewels and put them in metal. Bezalel can carve wood and do all kinds of work. 34 The Lord has given Bezalel and Oholiab the ability to teach others. Oholiab is the son of Ahisamach from the tribe of Dan. 35 The Lord has given them the skill to do all kinds of work. They are able to cut designs in metal and stone. They can plan and sew designs in the fine linen with the blue, purple and red thread. And they are also able to weave things.

36 “So Bezalel, Oholiab and every skilled person will do the work the Lord has commanded. The Lord gave these people the wisdom and understanding to do all the skilled work needed to build the Holy Tent.”

Then Moses called Bezalel, Oholiab and all the other skilled people to whom the Lord had given skills. And they came because they wanted to help with the work. They received from Moses everything the people of Israel had brought as gifts to build the Holy Tent. The people continued to bring gifts each morning because they wanted to. So all the skilled workers left the work they were doing on the Holy Tent. And they went to speak to Moses. They said, “The people are bringing more than we need to do the work the Lord commanded.”

Then Moses sent this command throughout the camp: “No man or woman should make anything else as a gift for the Holy Tent.” So the people were kept from giving more. What they had was already more than enough to do all the work.

The Holy Tent

Then the skilled workers made the Holy Tent. They made the ten pieces of blue, purple and red cloth. And they sewed designs of creatures with wings on the pieces. Each piece was the same size. It was 42 feet long and 6 feet wide. 10 Five of the pieces were fastened together to make one set. The other five were fastened together to make another set. 11 Then they made loops of blue cloth along the edge of the end piece on the first set of five. They did the same thing with the other set of five. 12 There were 50 loops on one piece and 50 loops on the other piece. The loops were opposite each other. 13 Then they made 50 gold hooks to join the two pieces together. So the Holy Tent was joined together as one piece.

14 Then the workers made another tent of 11 pieces of cloth made of goat hair. This was to put over the Holy Tent. 15 All 11 pieces were the same size. They were 45 feet long and 6 feet wide. 16 The workers sewed five pieces together into one set. Then they sewed six together into another set. 17 They made 50 loops along the edge of the outside piece of one set. And they made 50 loops along the edge of the outside piece of the other set. 18 Then they made 50 bronze rings to join the two sets of cloth together and make the tent one piece. 19 Then they made two more coverings for the outer tent. One covering was made of male sheep skin colored red. The other covering was made of fine leather.

20 Then they made upright frames of acacia wood. 21 Each board was 15 feet tall and 27 inches wide. 22 There were two pegs side by side on each frame. Every frame of the Holy Tent was made this same way. 23 They made 20 frames for the south side of the Tent. 24 Then they made 40 silver bases that went under the 20 frames. There were two bases for every frame—one for each peg of each board. 25 They also made 20 frames for the north side of the Holy Tent. 26 They made 40 silver bases—2 to go under each frame. 27 They made 6 frames for the rear or west end of the Holy Tent 28 and 2 frames for the corners at the rear of the Holy Tent. 29 These 2 frames were joined together from the bottom to the top with a metal ring. They did this for each of these corners. 30 So there were 8 frames and 16 silver bases—2 bases under each frame.

31 Then they made crossbars of acacia wood to connect the upright frames of the Holy Tent. Five crossbars held the frames together on one side of the Tent. 32 Five crossbars held the frames together on the other side. And five crossbars held the frames together on the west end, at the rear of the Tent. 33 They made the crossbar run along the entire length of each side and rear of the Tent. It was set halfway up the frames. 34 They made gold rings on the sides of the frames. They passed the crossbars through the rings. They covered the frames and the crossbars with gold.

35 Then they made the curtain with blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen. A skilled craftsman sewed designs of creatures with wings on it. 36 They made four posts of acacia wood and covered them with gold. Then they made gold hooks for the posts. And they made four silver bases in which to set the posts. 37 Then they made a curtain for the entrance to the Tent. They used blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen. A person who sewed well sewed designs on it. 38 Then they made five posts and hooks for it. They covered the tops of the posts and their bands with gold. And they made five bronze bases for the posts.

The Ark of the Covenant

37 Bezalel made the Ark of the Covenant of acacia wood. The Ark of the Covenant was 45 inches long, 27 inches wide and 27 inches high. He covered the inside and outside of the Ark of the Covenant with pure gold. Then he put a gold strip around it. He made four gold rings for it and attached them to its four feet. There were two rings on each side. Then he made poles of acacia wood and covered them with gold. He put the poles through the rings on each side of the Ark of the Covenant to carry it. Then he made a lid of pure gold. It was 45 inches long and 27 inches wide. Then Bezalel hammered gold to make two creatures with wings. He attached them to each end of the lid. He made one creature with wings on one end of the lid. He made the other creature with wings on the other end. He attached them to the lid so that it would be one piece. The creatures’ wings were spread out over the lid. The creatures faced each other across the lid.

The Table

10 Then he made the table of acacia wood. The table was 36 inches long, 18 inches wide and 27 inches high. 11 He covered the table with pure gold. He put a gold strip around it. 12 Then he made a frame 3 inches high that stood up all around the edge. He put a gold strip around the frame. 13 Then he made four gold rings for the table. He attached them to the four corners of the table, where the four legs were. 14 The rings were put close to the frame around the top of the table. The rings held the poles that were used to carry the table. 15 The poles for carrying the table were made of acacia wood. They were covered with gold. 16 Then he made of pure gold all the things that were used on the table: the plates, bowls, cups and jars used for pouring the drink offerings.

The Lampstand

17 Then he made the lampstand of pure gold. He hammered out its base and stand. Its flower-like cups, buds and petals were joined together in one piece with the base and stand. 18 There were three branches on one side of the lampstand and three branches on the other. 19 Each branch had three cups shaped like almond flowers. Each cup had a bud and a petal. 20 There were four more cups shaped like almond flowers on the lampstand itself. Each cup had its buds and petals. 21 Three pairs of branches went out from the lampstand. A bud was under the place where each pair was attached to the lampstand. 22 The buds, branches and lampstand were all one piece of pure, hammered gold. 23 He made seven pure gold lamps for this lampstand. Then he made pure gold wick trimmers and trays. 24 He used about 75 pounds of pure gold to make the lampstand and all the things that go with it.

The Altar for Burning Incense

25 Then he made the altar of incense of acacia wood. The altar was square. It was 18 inches long, 18 inches wide and 36 inches high. Each corner stuck out like a horn. Each corner was joined into one piece with the altar. 26 He covered the top and all the sides and the corners with pure gold. Then he put gold trim around the altar. 27 He made two gold rings and put them below the trim on opposite sides of the altar. These rings held the poles for carrying the altar. 28 He made the poles of acacia wood and covered them with gold.

29 Then he made the holy olive oil for appointing the priests. He also made the pure, sweet-smelling incense. He made them like a person who mixes perfumes.

The Altar

38 Then he built the altar for burning offerings. He made the altar of acacia wood. The altar was square. It was 7½ feet long, 7½ feet wide and 4½ feet high. He made each corner stick out like a horn. The horns and the altar were joined together in one piece. Then he covered the altar with bronze. He made all the tools of bronze to use on the altar: the pots, shovels, bowls for sprinkling blood, meat forks and pans for carrying the fire. He made a large bronze screen to hold the burning wood for the altar. He put the screen inside the altar, under its rim, halfway up from the bottom. He made bronze rings for holding the poles for carrying the altar. He put the rings at the four corners of the screen. Then he made poles of acacia wood and covered them with bronze. He put the poles through the rings on both sides of the altar. They were used for carrying the altar. He made the altar of boards and left the inside hollow.

The Bronze Bowl

He made the bronze bowl for washing. He built it on a bronze stand. He used the bronze of mirrors. These mirrors belonged to the women who served at the entrance to the Meeting Tent.

The Courtyard of the Holy Tent

Then he made a wall of curtains to form a courtyard around the Holy Tent. On the south side the curtains were 150 feet long and were made of fine linen. 10 The curtains hung on silver hooks and bands. These were on 20 bronze posts on 20 bronze bases. 11 On the north side the wall of curtains was also 150 feet long. It hung on silver hooks and bands on 20 posts with 20 bronze bases.

12 On the west side of the courtyard, the wall of curtains was 75 feet long. It was held up by silver hooks and bands on 10 posts and 10 bases. 13 The east side was 75 feet wide. 14 On one side of the entry there was a wall of curtains that was 22½ feet long. It was held up by 3 posts and 3 bases. 15 On the other side of the entry there was a wall of curtains 22½ feet long. It was held up by 3 posts and 3 bases. 16 All the curtains around the courtyard were made of fine linen. 17 The bases for the posts were made of bronze. The hooks and the bands on the posts were made of silver. The tops of the posts were covered with silver also. All the posts in the courtyard had silver bands.

18 The curtain for the entry of the courtyard was made of blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen. It was sewn by a person who could sew well. The curtain was 30 feet long and 7½ feet high. It was the same height as the curtains around the courtyard. 19 The curtain was held up by 4 posts and 4 bronze bases. The hooks and bands on the posts were made of silver. The tops on the posts were covered with silver. 20 All the tent pegs for the Holy Tent and for the curtains around the courtyard were made of bronze.

21 This is a list of the metals used to make the Holy Tent. This is where the two flat stones with the Ten Commandments are kept. Moses ordered the Levites to make this list. Ithamar son of Aaron was in charge of keeping the list. 22 Bezalel son of Uri made everything the Lord commanded Moses. Uri was the son of Hur of the tribe of Judah. 23 Oholiab son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan helped him. Oholiab could cut designs into metal and stone. He was a designer. He was also skilled at sewing the blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen.

24 The total amount of gold used to build the Holy Tent was presented to the Lord. It weighed over 2,000 pounds, as set by the Holy Place measure.

25 The silver was given by the members of the community who were counted. It weighed 7,550 pounds, as set by the Holy Place measure. 26 All the men 20 years old or older were counted. There were 603,550 men, and each man had to pay ⅕ ounce of silver. This is the weight as set by the Holy Place measure. 27 Of this silver, 7,500 pounds was used to make the 100 bases. These bases were for the Holy Tent and for the curtain. There was 75 pounds of silver in each base. 28 The other 50 pounds of silver was used to make the hooks for the posts. It was also used to cover the tops of the posts and to make the bands on the posts.

29 The bronze which was presented to the Lord weighed about 5,000 pounds. 30 They used the bronze to make the bases at the entrance of the Meeting Tent. They also used the bronze to make the altar and the bronze screen. And this bronze was used to make all the tools for the altar. 31 This bronze was also used to make bases for the wall of curtains around the courtyard. It was used for the bases for the curtains at the entry to the courtyard. And this bronze was used to make the tent pegs for the Holy Tent and curtains that surrounded the courtyard.

Clothes for the Priests

39 They used blue, purple and red thread to make woven clothes for the priests. They were to wear these when they served in the Holy Place. They also made the holy clothes for Aaron as the Lord had commanded Moses.

They made the holy vest of gold and blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen. They hammered the gold into sheets. Then they cut the gold into long, thin strips. They worked the gold into the blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen. This was done by a skilled craftsman. They made the shoulder straps for the holy vest. These straps were attached to the top corners of the vest. Then the shoulder straps were tied together over each shoulder. The skillfully woven belt was made in the same way. It was joined to the holy vest as one piece. It was made of gold and blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen. It was made the way the Lord commanded Moses.

They put gold around the onyx stones. Then they wrote the names of the sons of Israel on these gems. They did that as a person carves words and designs on a seal. Then they attached the gems on the shoulder straps of the holy vest. These gems are reminders of the 12 sons of Israel. This was done the way the Lord had commanded Moses.

The skilled craftsmen made the chest covering. It was made like the holy vest. It was made of gold and blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen. The chest covering was square, nine inches long and nine inches wide. It was folded double to make a pocket. 10 Then they put four rows of beautiful jewels on it. In the first row there was a ruby, a topaz and a yellow quartz. 11 In the second row there was a turquoise, a sapphire and an emerald. 12 In the third row there was a jacinth, an agate and an amethyst. 13 In the fourth row there was a chrysolite, an onyx and a jasper. Gold was put around these jewels to attach them to the chest covering. 14 The names of the sons of Israel were carved on these 12 jewels as a person carves a seal. Each jewel had the name of 1 of the 12 tribes of Israel.

15 They made chains of pure gold for the chest covering. They were twisted together like a rope. 16 The workers made two gold pieces and two gold rings. They put the two gold rings on the two upper corners of the chest covering. 17 Then they put two gold chains in the two rings. These are at the ends of the chest covering. 18 They fastened the other two ends of the chains to the two gold pieces. Then they attached these gold pieces to the two shoulder straps in the front of the holy vest. 19 They made two more gold rings and put them at the lower corners of the chest covering. They put them on the inside edge next to the holy vest. 20 Then they made two more gold rings on the bottom of the shoulder straps in front of the holy vest. These rings were near the seam, just above the woven belt of the holy vest. 21 They used a blue ribbon and tied the rings of the chest covering to the rings of the holy vest. This connected it to the woven belt. In this way the chest covering would not swing out from the holy vest. They did all these things the way the Lord commanded.

22 Then they made the outer robe to be worn under the holy vest. It was woven of blue cloth. 23 They made a hole in the center of the outer robe. A woven collar was sewn around this hole so it would not tear. 24 Then they made balls like pomegranates of blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen. They hung them around the bottom of the outer robe. 25 They also made bells of pure gold. They hung these around the bottom of the outer robe between the balls. 26 So around the bottom of the outer robe there was a bell and a pomegranate ball, a bell and a pomegranate ball. The priest wore this outer robe when he served as priest, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

27 They wove inner robes of fine linen for Aaron and his sons. 28 And they made turbans and underclothes of fine linen. 29 Then they made the cloth belt of fine linen and blue, purple and red thread. Designs were sewn onto the cloth. These things were made as the Lord had commanded Moses.

30 They made a strip of pure gold, which is the holy crown. They carved these words in the gold: “Holy to the Lord.” They did it as one might carve on a seal. 31 Then they tied this flat piece to the turban with a blue ribbon. This was done as the Lord had commanded Moses.

32 So all the work on the Meeting Tent was finished. The Israelites did everything just as the Lord had commanded Moses. 33 Then they brought the Holy Tent to Moses: the Tent and all its furniture, hooks, frames, crossbars, posts and bases; 34 the covering made of male sheep skins colored red, the covering made of fine leather and the curtain that covered the entrance to the Most Holy Place; 35 the Ark of the Covenant, its poles and lid; 36 the table, all its containers and the bread that showed they were in God’s presence; 37 the pure gold lampstand with its lamps in a row, all its tools and the olive oil for the light; 38 the gold altar, the special olive oil used for appointing priests, the sweet-smelling incense, and the curtain that covered the entrance to the Tent; 39 the bronze altar and its screen, its poles and all its tools, the bowl and its stand; 40 the curtains for the courtyard with their posts and bases, the curtain that covered the entry to the courtyard, the cords, pegs and all the things in the Meeting Tent. 41 They brought the clothes for the priests to wear when they served in the Holy Tent: the holy clothes for Aaron the priest and the clothes for his sons. They wore these when they served as priests.

42 The Israelites had done all this work just as the Lord had commanded Moses. 43 Moses looked closely at all the work. He saw they had done it just as the Lord had commanded. So Moses blessed them.

Setting Up the Holy Tent

40 Then the Lord said this to Moses: “On the first day of the first month, set up the Holy Tent, which is the Meeting Tent. Put the Ark of the Covenant in the Meeting Tent. Hang the curtain in front of the Ark of the Covenant. Then bring in the table. Arrange everything on the table that should be there. Then bring in the lampstand and set up its lamps. Put the gold altar for burning incense in front of the Ark of the Covenant. Then put the curtain at the entrance to the Holy Tent.

“Put the altar of burnt offerings in front of the entrance of the Holy Tent, the Meeting Tent. Put the bowl between the Meeting Tent and the altar. Put water in the bowl. Set up the courtyard around the Holy Tent. Then put the curtain at the entry to the courtyard.

“Use the special olive oil and pour it on the Holy Tent and everything in it. Give the Tent and all that is in it for service to the Lord. They will be holy. 10 Pour the special oil on the altar for burning offerings. Pour it on all its tools. Give the altar for service to God. It will be very holy. 11 Then pour the special olive oil on the bowl and the base under it. When you do this, they will be given for service to God.

12 “Bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the Meeting Tent. Wash them with water. 13 Then put the holy clothes on Aaron. Pour the special oil on him, and give him for service to God. Then he may serve me as a priest. 14 Bring Aaron’s sons and put the inner robes on them. 15 Pour the special oil on them to make them priests. Do this the same way that you appointed their father as priest. Then they may also serve me as priests. Pouring oil on them will make them a family of priests. They and their descendants will be priests from now on.” 16 Moses did everything that the Lord commanded him.

17 So the Holy Tent was set up. It was the first day of the first month during the second year after they left Egypt. 18 When Moses set up the Holy Tent, he put the bases in place. Then he put the frames on the bases. Next he put the crossbars through the rings of the frames and set up the posts. 19 After that, Moses spread the cloth over the Holy Tent. Then he put the covering over the Tent. He did these things just as the Lord commanded.

20 Moses put the flat stones into the Ark of the Covenant. These had God’s law written on them. Moses put the poles through the rings of the Ark of the Covenant. Then he put the lid on it. 21 Next Moses brought the Ark of the Covenant into the Tent. He hung the curtain to cover the Ark of the Covenant. Moses did these things just as the Lord commanded him.

22 Moses put the table in the Meeting Tent. He put it on the north side of the Holy Tent in front of the curtain. 23 Then he put the bread on the table before the Lord. He did this just as the Lord commanded him. 24 Moses put the lampstand in the Meeting Tent. He put it on the south side of the Holy Tent across from the table. 25 Then he put the lamps on the lampstand before the Lord. He did this just as the Lord commanded him.

26 Moses put the gold altar for burning incense in the Meeting Tent. He put it in front of the curtain. 27 Then he burned sweet-smelling incense on it, just as the Lord commanded him. 28 Then he hung the curtain at the entrance to the Holy Tent.

29 He put the altar for burning sacrifices at the entrance to the Holy Tent, the Meeting Tent. Then Moses offered a whole burnt offering and grain offerings on that altar. He did these things just as the Lord commanded him. 30 Moses put the bowl between the Meeting Tent and the altar for burning sacrifices. Moses put water in the bowl for washing. 31 Moses, Aaron and Aaron’s sons used this water to wash their hands and feet. 32 They washed themselves every time they entered the Meeting Tent. They also washed themselves every time they went near the altar for burning sacrifices. They did these things just as the Lord commanded Moses.

33 Then Moses set up the courtyard around the Holy Tent. He put the altar for burning sacrifices in the courtyard. Then he put up the curtain at the entry to the courtyard. So Moses finished the work.

The Cloud over the Holy Tent

34 Then the cloud covered the Meeting Tent. The greatness of the Lord filled the Holy Tent. 35 Moses could not enter the Meeting Tent. This was because the cloud had settled on it. And this was because the greatness of the Lord filled the Holy Tent.

36 When the cloud rose from the Holy Tent, the Israelites would begin to travel. 37 But as long as the cloud stayed on the Holy Tent, the people did not travel. They stayed in that place until the cloud rose. 38 So the cloud of the Lord was over the Holy Tent during the day. And there was a fire in the cloud at night. So all the Israelites could see the cloud while they traveled.

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