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Jesus Bible Devotional 1: The Bible in Six Acts


Welcome to The Jesus Bible seven-day devotional! Over the next six posts, you will get a big-picture view of the full story of God — from Genesis to Revelation.

The Bible is filled with different characters, settings, wars, plagues, history-changing events, and countless stories. It covers thousands of years of recorded history. How does it all fit together?

Jesus. Jesus is the common thread that ties God’s story together.  

Who Is Jesus? A Lesson from Colossae

Colossians 1:15-20 

When Paul wrote his letter to the church in Colossae — what we know as the New Testament book of Colossians — he wrote to young Christians during a time of unrest. Colossae was a city along a significant trade route that had suffered from a major earthquake around AD 60-61. The church was young, rebuilding, and battling deceptive “philosophies” that threatened to leave it as fractured as a house built on a fault line (Colossians 2:8). 

What does Paul write to these new believers during this critical time? He reminds them who Jesus is:

  • The image of God (v. 15)
  • The creator of all things (v. 16)
  • Powerful enough to hold all things together (v. 17)
  • The head of the church (v. 18)
  • God’s fullness dwells in him (v. 19)
  • Through his death on the cross all things will be reconciled to God (v. 20)

What to Expect from The Jesus Bible Devotionals

In this series, we’ll examine the story of God in six acts — Beginnings, Revolt, People, Savior, Church, and Forever. We’ll uncover the truth of Paul’s words to the shaken believers: Jesus holds all things together.  

We will also seek to answer the question: What does God’s story have to do with me?

You will discover that your story connects with God’s by design. You have a role to play. Your life is treasured by your creator and of great significance for his work in the world. 


Do you think of your life as something that matters to God? Why or why not? 

This week, will you open yourself to the idea that God has a role for you to play in his story? 


Dear God, thank you for all that today’s verses reveal about Jesus. Thank you, God, for revealing yourself through him, and for reconciling my sin through his death. This week, help me to see how my life connects with your story. Open my heart to your Spirit’s leading. Amen. 

Read the rest of the Jesus Bible Devotional series — and go deeper with the full Jesus Bible Study Series.

Encounter the living Jesus in all of Scripture through The Jesus Bible — the Bible that lifts Jesus up as the lead story and encourages you to faithfully follow him as you participate in his story. Also available as part of Bible Gateway Plus!

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Passion Publishing loves books. Their mission is to lift and amplify life-shifting messages globally from the Passion movement. Above all else Passion is about glorifying God by inviting people to live for what matters most, the name and renown of Jesus.

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