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Tag: church

The Praying Church: A Commentary on 1 Peter

As the people of God — a chosen people, a royal priesthood, God’s special possession — prayer is not optional. It's not a last resort. The call to prayer is nothing less than entering into the zone of the kingdom of heaven.

Proclaiming the Unknown God: Paul’s Sermon on the Areopagus in Acts 17

The "Areopagus address" in Acts 17 is a famous example of Paul's apologetics to the gentiles. But the Apostle isn't just evangelizing — he's defending himself in court.

The Church in Her Fullness: What Is the One True Church Today?

Where can Christians best find "good fruit" being borne today? Award-winning author and theologian Gavin Ortlund suggests: look for the work of Christ.

What if Deconstructing Christians Want More Jesus — not Less?

Deconstructing Christians are seen as doubt-filled or rebellious. But often it's the opposite: they're looking for Jesus in the church, and not finding him.

What Was the Protestant Reformation? Complete Guide to Its Origins and Impact

A (not so) quick overview of the major figures, events, ideas, and results of the Protestant Reformation in Europe.
