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Tag Archives: president

Scripture Read At President George H. W. Bush’s Funeral

President George H. W. Bush, 94, (@GeorgeHWBush and @Bush41Library) the father of former US president George W. Bush, died Nov. 30, 2018 in Houston, Texas after suffering with vascular Parkinsonism. His funeral Dec. 5—declared a national day of mourning—at Washington National Cathedral (service leaflet) was attended by dignitaries, including President Donald Trump, former Presidents Barack […]

Filed under Events, Obituary

Thriving in Babylon: A New Devotional About How to Live for Christ in a Godless Society

Are you anxious about the results of today’s US presidential election? It’s natural to feel a bit nervous about whether or not “your team” will carry the day. As Christians, we know that with God firmly in control, anxiety and worry should not have any controlling hold on our minds. But that’s a truth that […]

Filed under Devotionals