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Tag Archives: pain

How My Loss and a Good God Can Coexist

By Katherine Wolf Editor’s Note: In 2007, at the age of 26, Katherine Wolf suffered a near-fatal brainstem stroke that robbed her of her ability to walk, talk, and even eat. Her recovery has been long and hard, but with the love and support of her husband Jay, she has recovered to some extent many […]

Filed under Books, Guest Post, sickness

You’re Never Beyond Repair

By Nona Jones The Bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, meaning we were crafted with loving care and precision by the hands of God. But when people we look to for affirmation of our worth treat us as though we’re expendable to them, it crushes our soul and fractures our identity. I […]

Filed under Books, Family, Guest Post, trials

What Is the Purpose of My Pain?

By Seth Haines Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly […]

Filed under Books, Guest Post, How to Live the Bible

The Gift of Pain and How to Press Through It

By Luke Lezon When John and Tara Blocker welcomed their daughter Ashlyn into the world, they thought she may be the most well-behaved baby of all time. She hardly made a peep. Tara recalled a bad diaper rash Ashlyn had that landed them at the pediatrician’s office, but still no tears from Ashlyn. As she […]

Filed under Books, Guest Post, sickness

The God Who Meets You Where You Are

By Michele Cushatt There are times when I read the Old Testament and struggle to make sense of it. The dysfunctional families, murderous agendas, strange dreams and experiences. It seems left field, far-fetched, impossible. When I look at what God does or doesn’t do, I struggle to understand Him. How could a real and loving […]

Filed under Books, Guest Post, How to Live the Bible, Jesus

Does Suffering Disprove the Existence of a Good God?

By Mary Jo Sharp The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? —Jeremiah 17:9, NASB As I tried to imagine the depth of pain, the horror of suffering that so many humans have inflicted on each other, I began to have that most unwelcome feeling of having […]

Filed under Apologetics, Books, Guest Post

Steps Toward Wholeness and Healing

By Christine Caine It’s hard for someone who is supposed to have it all together to admit that she needs help. But that’s exactly what I had to do. Hurting people hurt other people. I was hurt, and because of that, I hurt Nick and who knows how many others. If I was to stop […]

Filed under Books, Guest Post

I Can’t Handle Everything and Neither Can You

By Nate Pyle “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” That’s one of the most common axioms we are handed in the midst of intense grief. Well intentioned, sure. Everyone needs to be encouraged, and what better way than by letting someone know they must be strong enough to face whatever circumstance lies […]

Filed under Books, Guest Post

Finding Hope and Purpose in the Midst of Your Suffering

By Christina Meredith Suffering is an unavoidable part of the human experience. If someone tells you that all you have to do is a, b, and c and no harm will ever come to you, you’re being sold a bill of goods. Demand your money back and run away as fast as you can. Each […]

Filed under Books, Guest Post, trials

Two Scriptures I Rely On When Life Hurts—A Reflection from Jack Deere

Editor’s Note: Jack Deere’s new memoir is Even in Our Darkness. The book tells Jack’s story of finding friendship with God in the midst of pain, grief, and loss. [Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Finding Friendship with God in the Midst of Pain, Grief, and Loss: An Interview with Jack Deere] By Jack Deere

Filed under Discipleship, Guest Post