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Tag Archives: natural disasters

Hope Despite The Tumult of Violence and Disaster

The world has awoken once again to devastating news. Reports about the shooting in Las Vegas October 1 are horrific: more than 50 people murdered and hundreds injured by a gunman bent on extreme violence. And we cry out to God. “I am suffering and in pain. Rescue me, O God, by your saving power.” […]

Filed under Events, News

National Day of Prayer Reminder and Prayers in the Bible

Today is the National Day of Prayer in the United States. As anyone who has seen a recent newspaper knows, there are plenty of reasons to be praying. What are some of your favorite prayers from the Bible?

Filed under The Bible

Finding hope amidst tornadoes, earthquakes, and war

Please join us today, and in the days to come, in praying for the victims of the tornado destruction in Alabama and elsewhere.

Filed under News