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Blog / Rachel Barach Talks About Bible Gateway’s Present and Future at Living With Faith

Rachel Barach Talks About Bible Gateway’s Present and Future at Living With Faith

What countries use Bible Gateway the most? How many Scripture annotations do Bible Gateway users make each month? What are the site’s most-used features? Rachel Barach answers these and other questions in a new interview at Living With Faith. Here’s a short bit from the interview:

LWF: Our own sites are getting increasingly more visitors from Africa (especially Nigeria and Kenya), India and, just recently, Russia. What kind of patterns is Bible Gateway seeing in its much larger visitor base?

Barach: People from more than 200 countries come to Bible Gateway to search and read the Bible online. Most of our users live in the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Philippines, Colombia, Singapore, and South Africa. Over the last five years, we, too, have seen a definite increase of users from India, Kenya, and Nigeria.

Visit Living With Faith to read the rest of the interview.

Living With Faith is a website and blog devoted to exploring and understanding what it calls “believing faith”—faith that both informs the Christian life, and that grows as it is put into practice. For an example of Living With Faith’s approach to the topic, you might take a look at their essay “Is Faith Reasonable?” Rachel Barach serves as general manager of Bible Gateway, and recently shared her thoughts on Scripture engagement and technology in an essay at OnFaith.

Filed under Bible Gateway, Interviews, News, Statistics