New Devotional: An Encouraging Word from Max Lucado

Max Lucado has written a lot of books. That means you’re very likely to have come across something he’s written at some point in your life—at the library, loaned from a friend, at your church or during a Bible study. Whether you’ve read every word he’s written or just one or two titles, chances are that something Lucado’s written has touched you. (For me, it was He Still Moves Stones, a reminder that the God of the Bible is still at work today, just as loving and powerful as ever.)

And so it feels very appropriate that we’ve just added a new email devotional from Max Lucado to our devotional library: An Encouraging Word from Max Lucado. Many Bible Gateway visitors know and love Max’s work, and have enjoyed his insights alongside their Bible reading for years. And for everyone who hasn’t yet encountered Max’s friendly, inspirational writing, here’s a great chance to learn why Christians around the world love it.

An Encouraging Word from Max Lucado is our newest free email devotional, and it’s exactly what the title says: an uplifting devotional message by Max Lucado, delivered to your inbox each Monday. It takes just a few minutes to read, and will help you get your week off to a good, Christ-focused start.

An Encouraging Word from Max Lucado begins next week; you can sign up on our Newsletters page. We’re thrilled to welcome Lucado’s writing into our devotional library and hope you find it an insightful and inspiring tool this year.

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.