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Blog / Frequently-Asked Questions About the Bible Gateway Mobile App

Frequently-Asked Questions About the Bible Gateway Mobile App

Since we launched the Bible Gateway app for iPad, we’ve been thrilled by all the excitement! We’ve also gotten a number of good questions about the app. Here are some answers:

How much does the app cost?

Just like the website, the app is free! It’s our thank-you to all of you who visit and support Bible Gateway and our mission to help more people read and understand the Bible.

Do I need internet access to use the app on my iPad?

Yes, internet access is required to use the app. In a future release, we will make an offline mode available. Certain Bible translations will be available for download, and then you’ll be able to use certain features of the app without being connected to the Internet. We are working on that upgrade right now, and hope to release it very soon. To sign up to be notified about our app launches and updates, click here.

Is the app available for the iPhone?

An iPhone and iPod Touch version will be available very soon – within the next few weeks. We’ll announce it as soon as it’s ready. Click here to sign up on our notification list and be the first to know.

How about Android? Kindle Fire? What about other platforms?

Yes, yes, and yes. Android phone and Kindle Fire versions are in the works right now. We’ll also consider making the app available in other formats in the future depending on what we hear from you, Bible Gateway’s visitors.

We’re hearing great things about the iPad app from people who have downloaded it! If you haven’t downloaded it yet, get it now. In the meantime, we’re working to make the app available in as many formats as we can. Thanks so much for your patience and support—and don’t forget to sign up if you’d like to be kept in the loop on our app launches and updates.

Filed under App, Frequently Asked Questions, Mobile