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13 ·Happy [Blessed] is the person who finds wisdom,
    the one who ·gets [gains] understanding.
14 ·Wisdom [L Her profit] is worth more than silver;
    ·it brings more profit [L her yield more] than gold.
15 Wisdom is more precious than ·rubies [or pearls];
    nothing you could want is equal to it.
16 ·With [In] her right hand ·wisdom offers you a long life [L are length of days],
    and ·with [in] her left hand ·she gives you [are] riches and honor.
17 ·Wisdom will make your life [L Her paths are] pleasant
    and ·will bring you [L her trails are] peace.
18 As a tree produces fruit, wisdom gives life to those who use it,
    and everyone who uses it will be happy.

19 The Lord ·made [L laid the foundations of] the earth, ·using his wisdom [or with Wisdom; 8:22–31].
    He set the ·sky [heavens] in place, using his ·understanding [competence].
20 With his knowledge, ·he made springs flow into rivers [L the deeps burst open]
    and the clouds drop ·rain on the earth [L dew].

21 My ·child [L son], ·hold on to [protect] ·wisdom [resourcefulness] and ·good sense [discretion].
    Don’t let them ·out of your sight [L slip from your eyes].
22 They will give you life
    and ·beauty like a necklace [L an ornament] around your neck.
23 Then you will ·go your way [walk on your path; C of life] in safety,
    and ·you will not get hurt [L your foot will not stumble].
24 When you lie down, you won’t be afraid;
    when you lie down, you will sleep in peace.
25 You won’t be afraid of sudden ·trouble [terror];
    you won’t fear the ruin that comes to the wicked,
26 because the Lord will ·keep you safe [be your confidence].
    He will ·keep you from being trapped [guard your feet from capture].

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