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Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)

Reina-Valera 1960 ® © Sociedades Bíblicas en América Latina, 1960. Renovado © Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas, 1988. Utilizado con permiso. Si desea más información visite americanbible.org, unitedbiblesocieties.org, vivelabiblia.com, unitedbiblesocieties.org/es/casa/, www.rvr60.bible

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9 topical index results for “harp”

HARP : The symbol used in the psalmody to indicate when the harp was to be introduced in the music was "Neginoth." See titles of (Psalms 4;;;;;;)
MUSIC : HIGGAION .(According to Gesenius, it signifies the murmuring tone of a harp, and hence that the music should be rendered in a plaintive manner.) (Psalms 9:16)
MUSIC : HIGGAION .(According to Gesenius, it signifies the murmuring tone of a harp, and hence that the music should be rendered in a plaintive manner.) .(Combined with "Selah," it may have been intended to indicate a pause in the vocal music while the instruments rendered an interlude.) (Psalms 19:14)
PSALTERY : (A harp)