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1 Samuel 9:23-24
Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the piece of meat I gave you, the one I told you to lay aside.” So the cook took up the thigh with what was on it and set it in front of Saul. Samuel said, “Here is what has been kept for you. Eat, because it was set aside for you for this occasion from the time I said, ‘I have invited guests.’” And Saul dined with Samuel that day.

Bible search results

  1. Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished.
  2. “Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of the Lord your God. “Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.
  3. “Take the ram for the ordination and cook the meat in a sacred place.
  4. “Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of the Lord your God. “Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.”
  5. If your grain offering is cooked in a pan, it is to be made of the finest flour and some olive oil.
  6. The clay pot the meat is cooked in must be broken; but if it is cooked in a bronze pot, the pot is to be scoured and rinsed with water.
  7. Every grain offering baked in an oven or cooked in a pan or on a griddle belongs to the priest who offers it,
  8. Moses then said to Aaron and his sons, “Cook the meat at the entrance to the tent of meeting and eat it there with the bread from the basket of ordination offerings, as I was commanded: ‘Aaron and his sons are to eat it.’
  9. Anything that one of their carcasses falls on becomes unclean; an oven or cooking pot must be broken up. They are unclean, and you are to regard them as unclean.
  10. The people went around gathering it, and then ground it in a hand mill or crushed it in a mortar. They cooked it in a pot or made it into loaves. And it tasted like something made with olive oil.
  11. Do not eat anything you find already dead. You may give it to the foreigner residing in any of your towns, and they may eat it, or you may sell it to any other foreigner. But you are a people holy to the Lord your God. Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.
  12. He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers.
  13. Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the piece of meat I gave you, the one I told you to lay aside.”
  14. So the cook took up the thigh with what was on it and set it in front of Saul. Samuel said, “Here is what has been kept for you. Eat, because it was set aside for you for this occasion from the time I said, ‘I have invited guests.’” And Saul dined with Samuel that day.
  15. So Elisha left him and went back. He took his yoke of oxen and slaughtered them. He burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his servant.
  16. Death in the Pot

    Elisha returned to Gilgal and there was a famine in that region. While the company of the prophets was meeting with him, he said to his servant, “Put on the large pot and cook some stew for these prophets.”
  17. So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him,’ but she had hidden him.”
  18. With their own hands compassionate women have cooked their own children, who became their food when my people were destroyed.
  19. Jerusalem as a Cooking Pot

    In the ninth year, in the tenth month on the tenth day, the word of the Lord came to me:
  20. Tell this rebellious people a parable and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “‘Put on the cooking pot; put it on and pour water into it.
  21. take the pick of the flock. Pile wood beneath it for the bones; bring it to a boil and cook the bones in it.
  22. So heap on the wood and kindle the fire. Cook the meat well, mixing in the spices; and let the bones be charred.
  23. He said to me, “This is the place where the priests are to cook the guilt offering and the sin offering and bake the grain offering, to avoid bringing them into the outer court and consecrating the people.”
  24. He said to me, “These are the kitchens where those who minister at the temple are to cook the sacrifices of the people.”
  25. On that day holy to the Lord will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, and the cooking pots in the Lord’s house will be like the sacred bowls in front of the altar.
New International Version (NIV)

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3 topical index results for “cook”