350 Bible results for “faith” from 
Darby Translation.dropdown
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  1. Therefore having been justified on the principle of faith, we have peace towards God through our Lord Jesus Christ;
  2. by whom we have also access by faith into this favour in which we stand, and we boast in hope of the glory of God.
  3. What then shall we say? That [they of the] nations, who did not follow after righteousness, have attained righteousness, but [the] righteousness that is on the principle of faith.
  4. Wherefore? Because [it was] not on the principle of faith, but as of works. They have stumbled at the stumblingstone,
  5. But the righteousness of faith speaks thus: Do not say in thine heart, Who shall ascend to the heavens? that is, to bring Christ down;
  6. But what says it? The word is near thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach:
  7. So faith then [is] by a report, but the report by God's word.
  8. Right: they have been broken out through unbelief, and *thou* standest through faith. Be not high-minded, but fear:
  9. For I say, through the grace which has been given to me, to every one that is among you, not to have high thoughts above what he should think; but to think so as to be wise, as God has dealt to each a measure of faith.
  10. But having different gifts, according to the grace which has been given to us, whether [it be] prophecy, [let us prophesy] according to the proportion of faith;
  11. Now him that is weak in the faith receive, not to [the] determining of questions of reasoning.
  12. Hast *thou* faith? have [it] to thyself before God. Blessed [is] he who does not judge himself in what he allows.
  13. But he that doubts, if he eat, is condemned; because [it is] not of faith; but whatever [is] not of faith is sin.
  14. but [which] has now been made manifest, and by prophetic scriptures, according to commandment of the eternal God, made known for obedience of faith to all the nations—
  15. God [is] faithful, by whom ye have been called into [the] fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
  16. that your faith might not stand in men's wisdom, but in God's power.
  17. Here, further, it is sought in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
  18. For this reason I have sent to you Timotheus, who is my beloved and faithful child in [the] Lord, who shall put you in mind of my ways [as] they [are] in Christ, according as I teach everywhere in every assembly.
  19. But concerning virgins, I have no commandment of [the] Lord; but I give my opinion, as having received mercy of [the] Lord to be faithful.
  20. No temptation has taken you but such as is according to man's nature; and God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above what ye are able [to bear], but will with the temptation make the issue also, so that [ye] should be able to bear [it].
  21. and to a different one faith, in [the power of] the same Spirit; and to another gifts of healing in [the power of] the same Spirit;
  22. And if I have prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
  23. And now abide faith, hope, love; these three things; and the greater of these [is] love.
  24. but if Christ is not raised, then, indeed, vain also [is] our preaching, and vain also your faith.
  25. but if Christ be not raised, your faith [is] vain; ye are yet in your sins.

98 topical index results for “faith”

ISAIAH : Performs the miracle of the returning shadow to confirm Hezekiah's faith (2 Kings 20:8-11)
LOIS : The grandmother of Timothy, commended by Paul for her faith (2 Timothy 1:5)
PAUL : Escapes to Derbe, where he preaches the gospel, and returns to Lystra, and to Iconium, and to Antioch, strengthens the souls of the disciples, exhorts them to continue in the faith, and helps to appoint elders (Acts 14:19-23)
ROME : The righteousness the law and of faith (Romans 10)