Psalm 72-75
New American Standard Bible
The Reign of the Righteous King.
A Psalm of Solomon.
72 Give the king (A)Your judgments, God,
And (B)Your righteousness to the king’s son.
2 [a]May [b]he (C)judge Your people with righteousness
And [c](D)Your afflicted with justice.
3 [d]May the mountains bring [e](E)peace to the people,
And the hills, in righteousness.
4 [f]May he (F)vindicate the [g]afflicted of the people,
Save the children of the needy,
And crush the oppressor.
5 [h]May they fear You (G)while the sun shines,
And [i]as long as the moon shines, throughout all generations.
6 [j]May he come down (H)like rain upon the mown grass,
Like (I)showers that water the earth.
7 [k]May the (J)righteous flourish in his days,
As well as an (K)abundance of peace, until the moon is no more.
8 May he also rule (L)from sea to sea,
And from the Euphrates River to the ends of the earth.
9 [l]May (M)the nomads of the desert (N)bow before him,
And his enemies (O)lick the dust.
10 [m]May the kings of (P)Tarshish and of the [n](Q)islands bring gifts;
May the kings of (R)Sheba and (S)Seba (T)offer tributes.
11 [o]And may all (U)kings bow down before him,
All (V)nations serve him.
12 For he will (W)save the needy when he cries for help,
The [p]afflicted also, and him who has no helper.
13 He will have (X)compassion on the poor and needy,
And he will save the [q]lives of the needy.
14 He will [r](Y)rescue their [s]life from oppression and violence,
And their blood will be (Z)precious in his sight;
15 So may he live, and may the (AA)gold of Sheba be given to him;
And [t]they are to pray for him continually;
[u]They are to bless him all day long.
16 May there be abundance of grain on the earth on top of the mountains;
Its fruit will wave like the cedars of (AB)Lebanon;
And may those from the city flourish like the (AC)vegetation of the earth.
17 May his (AD)name endure forever;
May his name produce descendants [v](AE)as long as the sun shines;
And may people (AF)wish blessings on themselves by him;
(AG)May all nations call him blessed.
18 (AH)Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel,
Who alone (AI)works wonders.
19 And blessed be His (AJ)glorious name forever;
And may the whole (AK)earth be filled with His glory.
(AL)Amen and Amen.
20 The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.
The End of the Wicked Contrasted with That of the Righteous.
A Psalm of Asaph.
73 God certainly is (AM)good to Israel,
To those who are (AN)pure in heart!
2 But as for me, (AO)my feet came close to stumbling,
My steps [w]had almost slipped.
3 For I was (AP)envious of the [x]arrogant
As I saw the (AQ)prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no pains in their death,
And their belly is fat.
5 They are (AR)not [y]in trouble like other people,
Nor are they (AS)tormented together with the rest of mankind.
6 Therefore arrogance is (AT)their necklace;
The (AU)garment of violence covers them.
7 Their eye [z]bulges from (AV)fatness;
The imaginations of their heart overflow.
8 They (AW)mock and [aa]wickedly speak of oppression;
They (AX)speak from on high.
9 They have (AY)set their mouth [ab]against the heavens,
And their tongue [ac]parades through the earth.
10 Therefore [ad]his people return here,
And (AZ)abundant waters are drunk by them.
11 They say, “(BA)How does God know?
And is there knowledge [ae]with the Most High?”
12 Behold, (BB)these are the wicked;
And always (BC)at ease, they have increased in wealth.
13 Surely (BD)in vain I have [af]kept my heart pure
And (BE)washed my hands in innocence;
14 For I have been stricken (BF)all day long,
And [ag](BG)punished every morning.
15 If I had said, “I will speak this way,”
Behold, I would have betrayed the (BH)generation of Your children.
16 When I (BI)thought of understanding this,
It was [ah]troublesome in my sight
17 Until I entered the [ai](BJ)sanctuary of God;
Then I perceived their (BK)end.
18 You indeed put them on (BL)slippery ground;
You dropped them into [aj](BM)ruin.
19 How they are [ak](BN)destroyed in a moment!
They are utterly swept away by (BO)sudden terrors!
20 Like a (BP)dream when one awakes,
Lord, when (BQ)stirred, You will (BR)despise their image.
21 When my (BS)heart was embittered
And I was (BT)pierced [al]within,
22 Then I was (BU)stupid and ignorant;
I was like an (BV)animal [am]before You.
23 Nevertheless (BW)I am continually with You;
You have taken hold of my right hand.
24 You will (BX)guide me with Your plan,
And afterward (BY)receive me [an]to glory.
25 (BZ)Whom do I have in heaven but You?
And with You, I desire nothing on earth.
26 My (CA)flesh and my heart may fail,
But God is the [ao]strength of my heart and my (CB)portion forever.
27 For, behold, (CC)those who are far from You will (CD)perish;
You have destroyed all those who [ap](CE)are unfaithful to You.
28 But as for me, (CF)the nearness of God is good for me;
I have made the Lord [aq]God my (CG)refuge,
So that I may (CH)tell of all Your works.
An Appeal against the Devastation of the Land by the Enemy.
A [ar]Maskil of Asaph.
74 God, why have You (CI)rejected us forever?
Why does Your anger (CJ)smoke against the (CK)sheep of Your [as]pasture?
2 Remember Your congregation, which You (CL)purchased of old,
Which You have (CM)redeemed to be the (CN)tribe of Your inheritance;
And this Mount (CO)Zion, where You have dwelt.
3 [at]Step toward the [au](CP)irreparable ruins;
The enemy (CQ)has damaged everything in the sanctuary.
4 Your adversaries have (CR)roared in the midst of Your meeting place;
They have set up their (CS)own signs as (CT)signs.
5 It [av]seems like one bringing up
His (CU)axe into a [aw]forest of trees.
6 And now they break down [ax]all its (CV)carved work
With axe and hammers.
7 They have [ay](CW)burned Your sanctuary [az]to the ground;
They have (CX)defiled the dwelling place of Your name.
8 They (CY)said in their heart, “Let’s [ba]completely [bb]subdue them.”
They have burned all the meeting places of God in the land.
9 We do not see our (CZ)signs;
There is (DA)no longer any prophet,
Nor is there anyone among us who knows (DB)how long.
10 How long, God, will the enemy (DC)taunt You?
Shall the enemy (DD)treat Your name disrespectfully forever?
11 Why (DE)do You withdraw Your hand, even Your right hand?
Extend it from Your chest and (DF)destroy them!
12 Yet God is (DG)my King from long ago,
Who performs acts of salvation in the midst of the earth.
13 [bc]You (DH)divided the sea by Your strength;
[bd]You (DI)broke the heads of the (DJ)sea monsters [be]in the waters.
14 [bf]You crushed the heads of [bg](DK)Leviathan;
You gave him as food for the [bh]creatures (DL)of the wilderness.
15 [bi]You (DM)broke open springs and torrents;
[bj]You (DN)dried up ever-flowing streams.
16 Yours is the day, Yours also is the night;
[bk]You have (DO)prepared the [bl]light and the sun.
17 [bm]You have (DP)established all the boundaries of the earth;
[bn]You have [bo]created (DQ)summer and winter.
18 Remember this, [bp]Lord, that the enemy has (DR)taunted You,
And a (DS)foolish people has treated Your name disrespectfully.
19 Do not give the soul of Your (DT)turtledove to the wild animal;
(DU)Do not forget the life of Your afflicted forever.
20 Consider the (DV)covenant;
For the (DW)dark places of the land are full of the places of violence.
21 May the (DX)oppressed person not return dishonored;
May the (DY)afflicted and the needy praise Your name.
22 Arise, God, and (DZ)plead Your own cause;
Remember [bq]how the (EA)foolish person taunts You all day long.
23 Do not forget the voice of Your (EB)adversaries,
The (EC)uproar of those who rise against You, which ascends continually.
God Humbles the Proud, but Exalts the Righteous.
For the music director; set to [br]Al-tashheth. A Psalm of Asaph, a Song.
75 We (ED)give thanks to You, God, we give thanks,
For Your name is (EE)near;
People declare (EF)Your wondrous works.
2 “When I select an (EG)appointed time,
It is I who (EH)judge fairly.
3 The (EI)earth and all who inhabit it [bs]are unsteady;
It is I who have firmly set its (EJ)pillars. Selah
4 I said to the boastful, ‘Do not boast,’
And to the wicked, ‘(EK)Do not lift up the horn;
5 Do not lift up your horn on high,
(EL)Do not speak with insolent [bt]pride.’”
6 For not from the east, nor from the west,
Nor from the [bu](EM)desert comes exaltation;
7 But (EN)God is the Judge;
He (EO)puts down one and exalts another.
8 For a (EP)cup is in the hand of the Lord, and the wine foams;
It is [bv](EQ)well mixed, and He pours out of this;
Certainly all the wicked of the earth must drain and (ER)drink its dregs.
9 But as for me, I will (ES)declare it forever;
I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.
10 And [bw]He will cut off all the (ET)horns of the wicked,
But (EU)the horns of the righteous will be lifted up.
- Psalm 72:2 Or He will judge
- Psalm 72:2 Many of the pronouns in this Psalm may be rendered He since the typical reference is to the Messiah
- Psalm 72:2 Or Your humble
- Psalm 72:3 Or The mountains will bring
- Psalm 72:3 Or prosperity
- Psalm 72:4 Or He will vindicate
- Psalm 72:4 Or humble
- Psalm 72:5 Or They will fear
- Psalm 72:5 Lit before the moon
- Psalm 72:6 Or He will come down
- Psalm 72:7 Or The righteous will flourish
- Psalm 72:9 Or The nomads...will bow
- Psalm 72:10 Or The kings...will bring
- Psalm 72:10 Or coastlands
- Psalm 72:11 Or All kings will bow down
- Psalm 72:12 Or humble
- Psalm 72:13 Lit souls
- Psalm 72:14 Lit redeem
- Psalm 72:14 Lit soul
- Psalm 72:15 Lit he is to
- Psalm 72:15 Lit He is to
- Psalm 72:17 Lit before the sun
- Psalm 73:2 Lit were caused to slip
- Psalm 73:3 Or boasters
- Psalm 73:5 Lit in the trouble of people
- Psalm 73:7 Lit goes forth
- Psalm 73:8 Or they speak in wickedness; From on high they speak of oppression
- Psalm 73:9 Or in
- Psalm 73:9 Lit walks
- Psalm 73:10 Or His
- Psalm 73:11 Lit in
- Psalm 73:13 Or cleansed my heart
- Psalm 73:14 Lit my punishment
- Psalm 73:16 Lit labor, trouble
- Psalm 73:17 Lit sanctuaries
- Psalm 73:18 Or deception
- Psalm 73:19 Lit become a desolation
- Psalm 73:21 Lit in my kidneys
- Psalm 73:22 Lit with You
- Psalm 73:24 Or with honor
- Psalm 73:26 Lit rock
- Psalm 73:27 Lit go to a whoring from
- Psalm 73:28 Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord
- Psalm 74 Title Possibly, Contemplative; or Didactic; or Skillful Psalm
- Psalm 74:1 Or pasturing
- Psalm 74:3 Lit Lift Your footsteps
- Psalm 74:3 Lit ruins ruined for all time
- Psalm 74:5 Lit is known as
- Psalm 74:5 Lit thicket
- Psalm 74:6 Lit altogether
- Psalm 74:7 Lit set on fire
- Psalm 74:7 Or To the ground they...
- Psalm 74:8 Lit altogether
- Psalm 74:8 Or oppress
- Psalm 74:13 Or You Yourself
- Psalm 74:13 Or You Yourself
- Psalm 74:13 Lit on
- Psalm 74:14 Or You Yourself
- Psalm 74:14 Or sea monster
- Psalm 74:14 Lit people
- Psalm 74:15 Or You Yourself
- Psalm 74:15 Or You Yourself
- Psalm 74:16 Or You Yourself
- Psalm 74:16 Or luminary
- Psalm 74:17 Or You Yourself
- Psalm 74:17 Or You Yourself
- Psalm 74:17 Or formed
- Psalm 74:18 Or that the enemy has taunted the Lord
- Psalm 74:22 Lit Your reproach from the foolish man
- Psalm 75 Title Lit Do Not Destroy
- Psalm 75:3 Lit totter
- Psalm 75:5 Lit neck
- Psalm 75:6 Or mountainous desert
- Psalm 75:8 Lit full of mixture
- Psalm 75:10 Heb I
New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved.