Psalm 132-138
New American Standard Bible
Prayer for the Lord’s Blessing upon the Sanctuary.
A Song of Ascents.
132 Remember, Lord, in David’s behalf,
All (A)his affliction;
2 How he swore to the Lord
And vowed to (B)the Mighty One of Jacob,
3 “I certainly will not [a]enter (C)my house,
Nor [b]lie on my bed;
4 I will not (D)give sleep to my eyes
Or slumber to my eyelids,
5 Until I find a (E)place for the Lord,
[c]A dwelling place for (F)the Mighty One of Jacob.”
6 Behold, we heard about it in (G)Ephrathah,
We found it in the (H)field of [d]Jaar.
7 Let’s go into His [e](I)dwelling place;
Let’s (J)worship at His (K)footstool.
8 (L)Arise, Lord, to Your (M)resting place,
You and the ark of Your (N)strength.
9 May Your priests be (O)clothed with righteousness,
And may Your (P)godly ones sing for joy.
10 For the sake of Your servant David,
Do not turn away the face of Your (Q)anointed.
11 The Lord has (R)sworn to David
A truth from which He will not turn back:
“I will set upon your throne one (S)from the fruit of your body.
12 If your sons will keep My covenant
And My testimony which I will teach them,
Their sons also will (T)sit upon your throne forever.”
13 For the Lord has (U)chosen Zion;
He has (V)desired it as His dwelling place.
14 “This is My (W)resting place forever;
Here I will (X)dwell, for I have desired it.
15 I will abundantly (Y)bless her food;
I will (Z)satisfy her needy with bread.
16 I will also clothe her (AA)priests with salvation,
And her (AB)godly ones will sing aloud for joy.
17 I will make the (AC)horn of David spring forth there;
I have prepared a (AD)lamp for My anointed.
18 I will (AE)clothe his enemies with shame,
But upon himself his (AF)crown will gleam.”
The Excellency of Brotherly Unity.
A Song of Ascents, of David.
133 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For (AG)brothers to live together in unity!
2 It is like the precious (AH)oil on the head,
Running down upon the beard,
As on Aaron’s beard,
The oil which ran down upon the (AI)edge of his robes.
3 It is like the (AJ)dew of (AK)Hermon
Coming down upon the (AL)mountains of Zion;
For the Lord (AM)commanded the blessing there—(AN)life forever.
Greetings of Night Watchers.
A Song of Ascents.
134 Behold, (AO)bless the Lord, all you (AP)servants of the Lord,
Who [f](AQ)serve (AR)by night in the house of the Lord!
2 (AS)Lift up your hands to the (AT)sanctuary
And bless the Lord.
3 May the Lord (AU)bless you from Zion,
He who (AV)made heaven and earth.
Praise the Lord’s Wonderful Works. Futility of Idols.
135 [g](AW)Praise [h]the Lord!
Praise the name of the Lord;
Praise Him, you (AX)servants of the Lord,
2 You who stand in the house of the Lord,
In the (AY)courtyards of the house of our God!
3 [i]Praise [j]the Lord, for (AZ)the Lord is good;
(BA)Sing praises to His name, (BB)for it is lovely.
4 For [k]the Lord has (BC)chosen Jacob for Himself,
Israel as His (BD)own possession.
5 For I know that (BE)the Lord is great
And that our Lord is (BF)above all gods.
6 (BG)Whatever the Lord pleases, He does,
In heaven and on earth, in the seas and in all the ocean depths.
7 [l]He (BH)causes the [m]mist to ascend from the ends of the earth,
[n]He (BI)makes lightning for the rain;
[o]He (BJ)brings forth the wind from His treasuries.
8 [p]He (BK)struck the firstborn of Egypt,
[q]Both human firstborn and animal.
9 [r]He sent (BL)signs and wonders into your midst, Egypt,
Upon (BM)Pharaoh and all his servants.
10 [s](BN)He (BO)struck many nations
And brought death to mighty kings,
11 (BP)Sihon, king of the Amorites,
(BQ)Og, king of Bashan,
And (BR)all the kingdoms of Canaan;
12 And He (BS)gave their land as an inheritance,
An inheritance to His people Israel.
13 Your (BT)name, Lord, is everlasting,
The mention of You, Lord, is [t]throughout all generations.
14 For the Lord will (BU)judge His people
And (BV)will have compassion on His servants.
15 The (BW)idols of the nations are nothing but silver and gold,
The work of human hands.
16 They have mouths, but they do not speak;
They have eyes, but they do not see;
17 They have ears, but they do not hear,
Nor is there any breath at all in their mouths.
18 Those who make them will become like them,
Yes, everyone who trusts in them.
19 House of (BX)Israel, bless the Lord;
House of Aaron, bless the Lord;
20 House of Levi, bless the Lord;
You (BY)who [u]revere the Lord, bless the Lord.
21 Blessed be the Lord (BZ)from Zion,
Who (CA)dwells in Jerusalem.
[v]Praise [w]the Lord!
Thanks for the Lord’s Goodness to Israel.
136 (CB)Give thanks to the Lord, for (CC)He is good,
For (CD)His [x]faithfulness is everlasting.
2 Give thanks to the (CE)God of gods,
For His faithfulness is everlasting.
3 Give thanks to the (CF)Lord of lords,
For His faithfulness is everlasting.
4 To Him who (CG)alone does great [y]wonders,
For His faithfulness is everlasting;
5 To Him who (CH)made the heavens [z](CI)with skill,
For His faithfulness is everlasting;
6 To Him who (CJ)spread out the earth above the waters,
For His faithfulness is everlasting;
7 To Him who (CK)made the great lights,
For His faithfulness is everlasting:
8 The (CL)sun to rule [aa]by day,
For His faithfulness is everlasting,
9 The (CM)moon and stars to rule [ab]by night,
For His faithfulness is everlasting.
10 To Him who (CN)struck [ac]the Egyptians, that is, their firstborn,
For His faithfulness is everlasting,
11 And (CO)brought Israel out from their midst,
For His faithfulness is everlasting,
12 With a (CP)strong hand and an (CQ)outstretched arm,
For His faithfulness is everlasting.
13 To Him who (CR)divided the [ad]Red Sea in parts,
For His faithfulness is everlasting,
14 And (CS)allowed Israel to pass through the midst of it,
For His faithfulness is everlasting;
15 But (CT)He [ae]overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the [af]Red Sea,
For His faithfulness is everlasting.
16 To Him who (CU)led His people through the wilderness,
For His faithfulness is everlasting;
17 To Him who (CV)struck great kings,
For His faithfulness is everlasting,
18 And (CW)brought death to [ag]mighty kings,
For His faithfulness is everlasting:
19 (CX)Sihon, king of the Amorites,
For His faithfulness is everlasting,
20 And (CY)Og, king of Bashan,
For His faithfulness is everlasting,
21 And (CZ)gave their land as an inheritance,
For His faithfulness is everlasting,
22 An inheritance to His (DA)servant Israel,
For His faithfulness is everlasting.
23 Who (DB)remembered us in our lowliness,
For His faithfulness is everlasting,
24 And has (DC)rescued us from our enemies,
For His faithfulness is everlasting;
25 Who (DD)gives food to all flesh,
For His faithfulness is everlasting.
26 Give thanks to the (DE)God of heaven,
For His faithfulness is everlasting.
An Experience of the Captivity.
137 By the (DF)rivers of Babylon,
There we sat down and (DG)wept,
When we remembered Zion.
2 Upon the [ah](DH)willows in the midst of it
We (DI)hung our [ai]harps.
3 For there our captors [aj](DJ)demanded of us [ak]songs,
And (DK)our tormentors, jubilation, saying,
“Sing for us one of the songs of Zion!”
4 How can we sing (DL)the Lord’s song
In a foreign land?
5 If I (DM)forget you, Jerusalem,
May my right hand [al]forget its skill.
6 May my (DN)tongue cling to the roof of my mouth
If I do not remember you,
If I do not [am](DO)exalt Jerusalem
Above my chief joy.
7 Remember, Lord, against the sons of (DP)Edom
The day of Jerusalem,
Those who said, “Lay it bare, lay it bare
(DQ)To its foundation!”
8 Daughter of Babylon, you [an](DR)devastated one,
Blessed will be one who (DS)repays you
With [ao]the retribution with which you have repaid us.
9 Blessed will be one who seizes and (DT)dashes your children
Against the rock.
Thanksgiving for the Lord’s Favor.
A Psalm of David.
138 (DU)I will give You thanks with all my heart;
I will sing Your praises before the (DV)gods.
2 I will bow down (DW)toward Your holy temple
And (DX)give thanks to Your name for Your mercy and Your [ap]truth;
For You have (DY)made Your [aq]word great [ar]according to all Your name.
3 On the day I (DZ)called, You answered me;
You made me bold with (EA)strength in my soul.
4 (EB)All the kings of the earth will give thanks to You, Lord,
When they have heard the words of Your mouth.
5 And they will (EC)sing of the ways of the Lord,
For (ED)great is the glory of the Lord.
6 For (EE)the Lord is exalted,
Yet He (EF)looks after the lowly,
But He knows the (EG)haughty from afar.
7 Though I (EH)walk in the midst of trouble, You will [as](EI)revive me;
You will (EJ)reach out with Your hand against the wrath of my enemies,
And Your right hand will (EK)save me.
8 The Lord will (EL)accomplish what concerns me;
Your (EM)faithfulness, Lord, is everlasting;
(EN)Do not abandon the (EO)works of Your hands.
- Psalm 132:3 Lit come into the tabernacle of
- Psalm 132:3 Lit go up into the couch of
- Psalm 132:5 Lit Dwelling places
- Psalm 132:6 Or the wood
- Psalm 132:7 Lit dwelling places
- Psalm 134:1 Lit stand
- Psalm 135:1 Or Hallelujah!
- Psalm 135:1 Heb Yah
- Psalm 135:3 Or Hallelujah!
- Psalm 135:3 Heb Yah
- Psalm 135:4 Heb Yah
- Psalm 135:7 Lit The one who
- Psalm 135:7 I.e., clouds
- Psalm 135:7 Lit The one who
- Psalm 135:7 Lit The one who
- Psalm 135:8 Lit The one who
- Psalm 135:8 Lit From man to animal
- Psalm 135:9 Lit The one who
- Psalm 135:10 Lit The one who
- Psalm 135:13 Lit to
- Psalm 135:20 Lit fear
- Psalm 135:21 Or Hallelujah!
- Psalm 135:21 Heb Yah
- Psalm 136:1 Or mercy, and so throughout the Psalm
- Psalm 136:4 I.e., wonderful acts
- Psalm 136:5 Lit with understanding
- Psalm 136:8 Or over the
- Psalm 136:9 Or over the
- Psalm 136:10 Lit Egypt
- Psalm 136:13 Lit Sea of Reeds
- Psalm 136:15 Lit shook off
- Psalm 136:15 Lit Sea of Reeds
- Psalm 136:18 Lit majestic
- Psalm 137:2 Or poplars
- Psalm 137:2 Lit lyres
- Psalm 137:3 Lit asked
- Psalm 137:3 Lit words of song
- Psalm 137:5 I.e., become useless
- Psalm 137:6 Lit cause to ascend
- Psalm 137:8 Or devastator
- Psalm 137:8 Lit your requital
- Psalm 138:2 Or faithfulness
- Psalm 138:2 Or promise
- Psalm 138:2 Or together with
- Psalm 138:7 Or keep me alive
New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved.