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These are the proverbs of Solomon. He was the son of David and the king of Israel.

Proverbs teach you wisdom and instruct you.
    They help you understand wise sayings.
They provide you with instruction and help you live wisely.
    They lead to what is right and honest and fair.
They give understanding to childish people.
    They give knowledge and good sense to those who are young.
Let wise people listen and add to what they have learned.
    Let those who understand what is right get guidance.
What I’m teaching also helps you understand proverbs and stories.
    It helps you understand the sayings and riddles of those who are wise.

If you really want to gain knowledge, you must begin by having respect for the Lord.
    But foolish people hate wisdom and instruction.

Think and Live Wisely

A Warning Against Sinful Men

My son, listen to your father’s advice.
    Don’t turn away from your mother’s teaching.
What they teach you will be like a beautiful crown on your head.
    It will be like a chain to decorate your neck.

10 My son, if sinful men tempt you,
    don’t give in to them.
11 They might say, “Come along with us.
    Let’s hide and wait to kill someone who hasn’t done anything wrong.
    Let’s catch some harmless person in our trap.
12 Let’s swallow them alive, as the grave does.
    Let’s swallow them whole, like those who go down into the pit.
13 We’ll get all kinds of valuable things.
    We’ll fill our houses with what we steal.
14 Cast lots with us for what they own.
    We’ll share everything we take from them.”
15 My son, don’t go along with them.
    Don’t even set your feet on their paths.
16 They are always in a hurry to sin.
    They are quick to spill someone’s blood.
17 How useless it is to spread a net
    where every bird can see it!
18 Those who hide and wait will spill their own blood.
    They will be caught in their own trap.
19 That’s what happens to everyone
    who goes after money in the wrong way.
That kind of money takes away
    the life of those who get it.

Wisdom’s Warning

20 Out in the open wisdom calls out.
    She raises her voice in a public place.
21 On top of the city wall she cries out.
    Here is what she says near the gate of the city.

22 “How long will you childish people love your childish ways?
    How long will you rude people enjoy making fun of God and others?
    How long will you foolish people hate knowledge?
23 Pay attention to my warning!
    Then I will pour out my thoughts to you.
    I will make known to you my teachings.
24 But you refuse to listen when I call out to you.
    No one pays attention when I reach out my hand.
25 You turn away from all my advice.
    And you do not accept my warning.
26 So I will laugh at you when you are in danger.
    I will make fun of you when hard times come.
27 I will laugh when hard times hit you like a storm.
    I will laugh when danger comes your way like a windstorm.
    I will make fun of you when suffering and trouble come.

28 “Then you will call to me. But I won’t answer.
    You will look for me. But you won’t find me.
29 You hated knowledge.
    You didn’t choose to have respect for the Lord.
30 You wouldn’t accept my advice.
    You turned your backs on my warnings.
31 So you will eat the fruit of the way you have lived.
    You will choke on the fruit of what you have planned.

32 “The wrong path that childish people take will kill them.
    Foolish people will be destroyed by being satisfied with the way they live.
33 But those who listen to me will live in safety.
    They will be at ease and have no fear of being harmed.”

Good Things Come From Wisdom

My son, accept my words.
    Store up my commands inside you.
Let your ears listen to wisdom.
    Apply your heart to understanding.
Call out for the ability to be wise.
    Cry out for understanding.
Look for it as you would look for silver.
    Search for it as you would search for hidden treasure.
Then you will understand how to have respect for the Lord.
    You will find out how to know God.
The Lord gives wisdom.
    Knowledge and understanding come from his mouth.
He stores up success for honest people.
    He is like a shield to those who live without blame.
He guards the path of those who are honest.
    He watches over the way of his faithful ones.

You will understand what is right and honest and fair.
    You will understand the right way to live.
10 Your heart will become wise.
    Your mind will delight in knowledge.
11 Good sense will keep you safe.
    Understanding will guard you.

12 Wisdom will save you from the ways of evil men.
    It will save you from men who twist their words.
13 Men like that have left the straight paths
    to walk in dark ways.
14 They take delight in doing what is wrong.
    They take joy in twisting everything around.
15 Their paths are crooked.
    Their ways are not straight.

16 Wisdom will save you from a woman who commits adultery.
    It will save you from a sinful woman and her tempting words.
17 She has left the man she married when she was young.
    She has broken the promise she made in front of God.
18 Surely her house leads down to death.
    Her paths lead to the spirits of the dead.
19 No one who goes to her comes back
    or reaches the paths of life.

20 You will walk in the ways of good people.
    You will follow the paths of those who do right.
21 Honest people will live in the land.
    Those who are without blame will remain in it.
22 But sinners will be cut off from the land.
    Those who aren’t faithful will be torn away from it.

More Good Things Come From Wisdom

My son, do not forget my teaching.
    Keep my commands in your heart.
They will help you live for many years.
    They will bring you peace and success.

Don’t let love and truth ever leave you.
    Tie them around your neck.
    Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will find favor and a good name
    in the eyes of God and people.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
    Do not depend on your own understanding.
In all your ways obey him.
    Then he will make your paths smooth and straight.

Don’t be wise in your own eyes.
    Have respect for the Lord and avoid evil.
That will bring health to your body.
    It will make your bones strong.

Honor the Lord with your wealth.
    Give him the first share of all your crops.
10 Then your storerooms will be so full they can’t hold everything.
    Your huge jars will spill over with fresh wine.

11 My son, do not hate the Lord’s training.
    Do not object when he corrects you.
12 The Lord trains those he loves.
    He is like a father who trains the son he is pleased with.

13 Blessed is the one who finds wisdom.
    Blessed is the one who gains understanding.
14 Wisdom pays better than silver does.
    She earns more than gold does.
15 She is worth more than rubies.
    Nothing you want can compare with her.
16 Long life is in her right hand.
    In her left hand are riches and honor.
17 Her ways are pleasant ways.
    All her paths lead to peace.
18 She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her.
    Those who hold her close will be blessed.

19 By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations.
    Through understanding he set the heavens in place.
20 By his knowledge the seas were separated,
    and the clouds dropped their dew.

21 My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight.
    Hold on to good sense and the understanding of what is right.
22 They will be life for you.
    They will be like a gracious necklace around your neck.
23 Then you will go on your way in safety.
    You will not trip and fall.
24 When you lie down, you won’t be afraid.
    When you lie down, you will sleep soundly.
25 Don’t be terrified by sudden trouble.
    Don’t be afraid when sinners are destroyed.
26 The Lord will be at your side.
    He will keep your feet from being caught in a trap.

27 Don’t hold back good from those who are worthy of it.
    Don’t hold it back when you can help.
28 Suppose you already have something to give.
    Don’t say to your neighbor,
“Come back tomorrow.
    I’ll give it to you then.”

29 Don’t plan to harm your neighbor.
    He lives near you and trusts you.
30 Don’t bring charges against anyone for no reason.
    They have not harmed you.

31 Don’t be jealous of a person who hurts others.
    Don’t choose any of their ways.
32 The Lord really hates sinful people.
    But he makes honest people his closest friends.

33 The Lord puts a curse on the houses of sinners.
    But he blesses the homes of those who do what is right.
34 He makes fun of proud people who make fun of others.
    But he gives grace to those who are humble and treated badly.
35 Wise people receive honor.
    But foolish people get only shame.

Get Wisdom at Any Cost

My sons, listen to a father’s teaching.
    Pay attention and gain understanding.
I give you good advice.
    So don’t turn away from what I teach you.
I, too, was once a young boy in my father’s house.
    And my mother loved me deeply.
Then my father taught me.
    He said to me, “Take hold of my words with all your heart.
    Keep my commands, and you will live.
Get wisdom, and get understanding.
    Don’t forget my words or turn away from them.
Stay close to wisdom, and she will keep you safe.
    Love her, and she will watch over you.
To start being wise you must first get wisdom.
    No matter what it costs, get understanding.
Value wisdom highly, and she will lift you up.
    Hold her close, and she will honor you.
She will set a beautiful crown on your head.
    She will give you a glorious crown.”

10 My son, listen. Accept what I say.
    Then you will live for many years.
11 I instruct you in the way of wisdom.
    I lead you along straight paths.
12 When you walk, nothing will slow you down.
    When you run, you won’t trip and fall.
13 Hold on to my teaching and don’t let it go.
    Guard it well, because it is your life.
14 Don’t take the path of evil people.
    Don’t live the way sinners do.
15 Stay away from their path and don’t travel on it.
    Turn away from it and go on your way.
16 Sinners can’t rest until they do what is evil.
    They can’t sleep until they make someone sin.
17 They do evil just as easily as they eat food.
    They hurt others as easily as they drink wine.

18 The path of those who do right is like the sun in the morning.
    It shines brighter and brighter until the full light of day.
19 But the way of those who do what is wrong is like deep darkness.
    They don’t know what makes them trip and fall.

20 My son, pay attention to what I say.
    Listen closely to my words.
21 Don’t let them out of your sight.
    Keep them in your heart.
22 They are life to those who find them.
    They are health to a person’s whole body.
23 Above everything else, guard your heart.
    Everything you do comes from it.
24 Don’t speak with twisted words.
    Keep evil talk away from your lips.
25 Let your eyes look straight ahead.
    Keep looking right in front of you.
26 Think carefully about the paths that your feet walk on.
    Always choose the right ways.
27 Don’t turn to the right or left.
    Keep your feet from the path of evil.

A Warning Against Committing Adultery

My son, pay attention to my wisdom.
    Listen carefully to my wise sayings.
Then you will continue to have good sense.
    Your lips will keep on speaking words of knowledge.
A woman who commits adultery has lips that drip honey.
    What she says is smoother than olive oil.
But in the end she is like bitter poison.
    She cuts like a sword that has two edges.
Her feet go down to death.
    Her steps lead straight to the grave.
She doesn’t give any thought to her way of life.
    Her paths have no direction, but she doesn’t realize it.

My sons, listen to me.
    Don’t turn away from what I say.
Stay on a path far away from that evil woman.
    Don’t even go near the door of her house.
If you do, you will lose your honor to other people.
    You will give your self-respect to someone who is mean.
10 Strangers will use up all your wealth.
    Your hard work will make someone else rich.
11 At the end of your life you will groan.
    Your skin and your body will be worn out.
12 You will say, “How I hated to take advice!
    How my heart refused to be corrected!
13 I would not obey my teachers.
    I wouldn’t listen to those who taught me.
14 I was soon in deep trouble.
    It happened right in front of the whole assembly of God’s people.”

15 Drink water from your own well.
    Drink running water from your own spring.
16 Should your springs pour out into the streets?
    Should your streams of water pour out in public places?
17 No! Let them belong to you alone.
    Never share them with strangers.
18 May your fountain be blessed.
    May the wife you married when you were young make you happy.
19 She is like a loving doe, a graceful deer.
    May her breasts always satisfy you.
    May you always be captured by her love.
20 My son, why be captured by another man’s wife?
    Why hug a woman who has gone astray?

21 The Lord watches your ways.
    He studies all your paths.
22 Sinners are trapped by their own evil acts.
    They are held tight by the ropes of their sins.
23 They will die because they refused to be corrected.
    Their sins will capture them because they were very foolish.

Warnings Against Foolish Acts

My son, don’t promise to pay for what your neighbor owes.
    Don’t agree to pay a stranger’s bill.
Don’t be trapped by what you have said.
    Don’t be caught by the words of your mouth.
Instead, my son, do something to free yourself.
    Don’t fall into your neighbor’s hands.
Go until you can’t go anymore.
    Don’t let your neighbor rest.
Don’t let your eyes go to sleep.
    Don’t let your eyelids close.
As a deer frees itself from a hunter, free yourself.
    As a bird frees itself from a trapper, free yourself.

You people who don’t want to work, think about the ant!
    Consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander.
    It has no leader or ruler.
But it stores up its food in summer.
    It gathers its food at harvest time.

You lazy people, how long will you lie there?
    When will you get up from your sleep?
10 You might sleep a little or take a little nap.
    You might even fold your hands and rest.
11 Then you would be poor, as if someone had robbed you.
    You would have little, as if someone had stolen from you.

12 An evil troublemaker
    goes around saying twisted things with his mouth.
13     He winks with his eyes.
    He makes signals with his feet.
    He motions with his fingers.
14     His plans are evil, and he has lies in his heart.
    He is always stirring up fights.
15 Trouble will catch up with him in an instant.
    He will suddenly be destroyed, and nothing can save him.

16 There are six things the Lord hates.

In fact, he hates seven things.

17 The Lord hates proud eyes,

a lying tongue,

and hands that kill those who aren’t guilty.

18 He also hates hearts that make evil plans

and feet that are quick to do evil.

19 He hates any witness who pours out lies

and anyone who stirs up conflict in the community.

A Warning Against Committing Adultery

20 My son, keep your father’s command.
    Don’t turn away from your mother’s teaching.
21 Always tie them on your heart.
    Put them around your neck.
22 When you walk, they will guide you.
    When you sleep, they will watch over you.
    When you wake up, they will speak to you.
23 Your father’s command is like a lamp.
    Your mother’s teaching is like a light.
And whatever instructs and corrects you
    leads to life.
24 It keeps you from your neighbor’s wife.
    It keeps you from the smooth talk of a woman who commits adultery.
25 Don’t hunger in your heart after her beauty.
    Don’t let her eyes capture you.
26 A prostitute can be bought for only a loaf of bread.
    But another man’s wife hunts your very life.
27 You can’t shovel fire into your lap
    without burning your clothes.
28 You can’t walk on hot coals
    without burning your feet.
29 It’s the same for anyone who has sex with another man’s wife.
    Anyone who touches her will be punished.

30 People don’t hate a thief who steals
    to fill his empty stomach.
31 But when he is caught, he must pay seven times as much as he stole.
    It may even cost him everything he has.
32 A man who commits adultery has no sense.
    Anyone who does it destroys himself.
33 He will be beaten up and dishonored.
    His shame will never be wiped away.
34 Jealousy stirs up a husband’s anger.
    He will show no mercy when he gets even.
35 He won’t accept any payment.
    He won’t take any money, no matter how much he is offered.

A Warning Against a Woman Who Commits Adultery

My son, obey my words.
    Store up my commands inside you.
Obey my commands and you will live.
    Guard my teachings as you would guard your own eyes.
Tie them on your fingers.
    Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Say to wisdom, “You are my sister.”
    Say to understanding, “You are a member of my family.”
They will keep you from a woman who commits adultery.
    They will keep you from the smooth talk of a sinful wife.

I stood at the window of my house.
    I looked down through it.
Among those who were childish
    I saw a young man who had no sense.
He went down the street near that sinful woman’s corner.
    He walked toward her house.
The sun had gone down, and the day was fading.
    The darkness of night was falling.

10 A woman came out to meet him.
    She was dressed like a prostitute and had a clever plan.
11 She was wild and pushy.
    She never stayed at home.
12 Sometimes she’s in the streets. Sometimes she’s at other places.
    At every corner she waits.
13 She took hold of the young man and kissed him.
    With a bold face she spoke to him. She said,

14 “Today I offered what I promised I would.
    At home I have meat left over from my fellowship offering.
15 So I came out to meet you.
    I looked for you and have found you!
16 I have covered my bed
    with colored sheets from Egypt.
17 I’ve perfumed my bed with spices.
    I used myrrh, aloes and cinnamon.
18 Come, let’s drink our fill of love until morning.
    Let’s enjoy ourselves by sleeping together!
19 My husband isn’t home.
    He’s gone on a long journey.
20 He took his bag full of money.
    He won’t be home for several days.”

21 She led him astray with her clever words.
    She charmed him with her smooth talk.
22 All at once he followed her.
    He was like an ox going to be killed.
He was like a deer stepping into a trap
23     until an arrow struck its liver.
He was like a bird rushing into a trap.
    Little did he know it would cost him his life!

24 My sons, listen to me.
    Pay attention to what I say.
25 Don’t let your hearts turn to her ways.
    Don’t step onto her paths.
26 She has brought down a lot of men.
    She has killed a huge crowd.
27 Her house is a road to the grave.
    It leads down to the place of the dead.

Wisdom Calls Out

Doesn’t wisdom call out?
    Doesn’t understanding raise her voice?
At the highest point along the way,
    she takes her place where the paths meet.
Beside the gate leading into the city,
    she cries out at the entrance. She says,
“People, I call out to you.
    I raise my voice to all human beings.
You who are childish, get some good sense.
    You who are foolish, set your hearts on getting it.
Listen! I have things to say that you can depend on.
    I open my lips to speak what is right.
My mouth speaks what is true.
    My lips hate evil.
All the words of my mouth are honest.
    None of them is twisted or sinful.
To those who have understanding, all my words are right.
    To those who have found knowledge, they are true.
10 Choose my teaching instead of silver.
    Choose knowledge rather than fine gold.
11 Wisdom is worth more than rubies.
    Nothing you want can compare with her.

12 “I, wisdom, live together with understanding.
    I have knowledge and good sense.
13 To have respect for the Lord is to hate evil.
    I hate pride and bragging.
    I hate evil ways and twisted words.
14 I have good sense and give good advice.
    I have understanding and power.
15 By me kings rule.
    Leaders make laws that are fair.
16 By me princes and nobles govern.
    It is by me that anyone rules on earth.
17 I love those who love me.
    Those who look for me find me.
18 With me are riches and honor.
    With me are lasting wealth and success.
19 My fruit is better than fine gold.
    My gifts are better than the finest silver.
20 I walk in ways that are honest.
    I take paths that are right.
21 I leave riches to those who love me.
    I give them more than they have room for.

22 “The Lord created me as the first of his works,
    before his acts of long ago.
23 I was formed a long, long time ago.
    I was formed at the very beginning, when the world was created.
24 Before there were any oceans, I was born.
    It was before there were springs flowing with water.
25 Before the mountains were settled in place, I was born.
    Before there were any hills, I was born.
26 It happened before the Lord made the world and its fields.
    It was before he made the dust of the earth.
27 I was there when he set the heavens in place.
    When he marked out the place where the sky meets the sea, I was there.
28 That was when he put the clouds above.
    It was when he fixed the ocean springs in place.
29 It was when he set limits for the sea
    so that the waters had to obey his command.
When the Lord marked out the foundations of the earth, I was there.
30     I was constantly at his side.
I was filled with delight day after day.
    I was always happy to be with him.
31 His whole world filled me with joy.
    I took delight in all human beings.

32 “My children, listen to me.
    Blessed are those who keep my ways.
33 Listen to my teaching and be wise.
    Don’t turn away from it.
34 Blessed are those who listen to me.
    They watch every day at my doors.
    They wait beside my doorway.
35 Those who find me find life.
    They receive blessing from the Lord.
36 But those who don’t find me harm only themselves.
    Everyone who hates me loves death.”

Wisdom and Foolishness Call Out

Wisdom has built her house.
    She has set up its seven pillars.
She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine.
    She has also set her table.
She has sent out her servants.
    She calls out from the highest point of the city.
She says, “Let all who are childish come to my house!”
    She speaks to those who have no sense. She says,
“Come and eat my food.
    Drink the wine I have mixed.
Leave your childish ways and you will live.
    Walk in the way of understanding.”

When you correct someone who makes fun of others, you might be laughed at.
    When you warn a sinner, you might get hurt.
Don’t warn those who make fun of others, or they will hate you.
    Warn those who are wise, and they will love you.
Teach a wise person, and they will become even wiser.
    Teach a person who does right, and they will learn even more.

10 If you want to become wise, you must begin by respecting the Lord.
    To know the Holy One is to gain understanding.
11 Through wisdom, you will live a long time.
    Years will be added to your life.
12 If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you.
    If you make fun of others, you alone will suffer.

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