17 When Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, he said to them, “Go up there into (A)the [a]Negev; then go up into the hill country. 18 See what the land is like, and whether the people who live in it are strong or weak, whether they are few or many. 19 And how is the land in which they live, is it good or bad? And how are the cities in which they live, are the people in open camps or in fortifications? 20 And (B)how is the land, is it [b]productive or unproductive? Are there trees in it or not? And (C)show yourselves courageous and get some of the fruit of the land.” Now the time was the season of the first ripe grapes.

21 So they went up and spied out the land from (D)the wilderness of Zin as far as Rehob, [c](E)at Lebo-hamath. 22 When they had gone up into (F)the Negev, [d]they came to Hebron where (G)Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the [e]descendants of (H)Anak were. (Hebron was built seven years before (I)Zoan in Egypt.)

23 Then they came to the [f]Valley of [g](J)Eshcol, and from there they cut off a branch with a single cluster of grapes; and they carried it on a pole between two men, with some of the pomegranates and the figs. 24 That place was called the Valley of [h]Eshcol, because of the cluster which the sons of Israel cut off from there.

The Spies’ Reports

25 When they returned from spying out the land, at the end of forty days, 26 they went on and came to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation of the sons of Israel, [i]in the wilderness of Paran at (K)Kadesh; and they brought back word to them and to all the congregation, and showed them the fruit of the land. 27 So they reported to him and said, “We came into the land where you sent us, and (L)it certainly does flow with milk and honey, and (M)this is its fruit. 28 Nevertheless, (N)the people who live in the land are strong, and the cities are fortified and very large. And indeed, we saw (O)the [j]descendants of Anak there! 29 Amalek is living in the land of (P)the Negev, the Hittites, the Jebusites, and (Q)the Amorites are living in the hill country, and (R)the Canaanites are living by the sea and by the side of the Jordan.”

30 Then Caleb quieted the people [k]before Moses and said, “We should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we will certainly prevail over it.” 31 But the men who had gone up with him said, “(S)We are not able to go up against the people, because they are too strong for us.” 32 So they brought (T)a bad report of the land which they had spied out to the sons of Israel, saying, “The land through which we have gone to spy out is (U)a land that devours its inhabitants; and (V)all the people whom we saw in it are people of great stature. 33 We also saw the [l](W)Nephilim there (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and (X)we were like [m]grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.”

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  1. Numbers 13:17 I.e., South country, and so throughout the ch
  2. Numbers 13:20 Lit fat or gaunt
  3. Numbers 13:21 Or to the entrance of Hamath
  4. Numbers 13:22 Most mss one came
  5. Numbers 13:22 Lit sons
  6. Numbers 13:23 Or wadi
  7. Numbers 13:23 I.e., cluster (of grapes)
  8. Numbers 13:24 I.e., cluster
  9. Numbers 13:26 Lit to
  10. Numbers 13:28 Lit sons
  11. Numbers 13:30 Lit toward
  12. Numbers 13:33 Lit fallen ones; LXX giants
  13. Numbers 13:33 Or locusts

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