10 “Two men went up to the temple complex to pray,(A) one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee took his stand[a](B) and was praying like this: ‘God, I thank You that I’m not like other people[b] —greedy,(C) unrighteous,(D) adulterers,(E) or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast(F) twice a week; I give a tenth[c](G) of everything I get.’

13 “But the tax collector, standing far off,(H) would not even raise his eyes to heaven(I) but kept striking his chest[d](J) and saying, ‘God, turn Your wrath from me[e](K)—a sinner!’(L)

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  1. Luke 18:11 Or Pharisee stood by himself
  2. Luke 18:11 Or like the rest of men
  3. Luke 18:12 Or give tithes
  4. Luke 18:13 = mourning
  5. Luke 18:13 Lit God, be propitious to me; = May Your wrath be turned aside by the sacrifice

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