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In en the beginning archē was eimi the ho Word logos, and kai the ho Word logos was eimi with pros · ho God theos, and kai the ho Word logos was eimi God theos. He houtos was eimi in en the beginning archē with pros · ho God theos. All pas things were created ginomai by dia him autos, and kai apart chōris from him autos not oude a single thing heis was created ginomai that hos has been created ginomai. In en him autos was eimi life zōē, and kai that ho life zōē was eimi the ho light phōs of ho men anthrōpos. · kai The ho light phōs shines on phainō in en the ho darkness skotia, and kai the ho darkness skotia has katalambanō not ou understood katalambanō it autos.

There came ginomai on the scene a man anthrōpos sent apostellō from para God theos, whose autos name onoma was John Iōannēs. He houtos came erchomai as eis a witness martyria to hina bear testimony martyreō about peri the ho light phōs so that hina everyone pas might believe pisteuō through dia him autos. He ekeinos was eimi not ou the ho light phōs, but alla came to hina bear testimony martyreō about peri the ho light phōs. The ho true alēthinos light phōs, · ho which hos enlightens phōtizō everyone pas anthrōpos, was eimi coming erchomai into eis the ho world kosmos.

10 He was eimi in en the ho world kosmos, and kai the ho world kosmos was created ginomai by dia him autos, but kai the ho world kosmos did ginōskō not ou know ginōskō him autos. 11 He came erchomai to eis that ho which was his idios own , but kai his ho own idios people did paralambanō not ou accept paralambanō him autos. 12 But de as many hosos as did accept lambanō him autos, to them autos he gave didōmi the right exousia to become ginomai children teknon of God theos, to those ho who believe pisteuō in eis · ho his autos name onoma, 13 who hos were born gennaō, not ou from ek human haima stock or oude from ek a physical sarx impulse thelēma or oude by ek a husband’ s anēr decision thelēma, but alla by ek God theos.

14 And kai the ho Word logos became ginomai flesh sarx and kai dwelt skēnoō among en us hēmeis, and kai we gazed theaomai on · ho his autos glory doxa, glory doxa as hōs of the only monogenēs Son from para the Father patēr, full plērēs of grace charis and kai truth alētheia. 15 John Iōannēs testified martyreō about peri him autos and kai cried krazō out , saying legō, “ This houtos is eimi he of whom hos I said legō, ‘ He ho who comes erchomai after opisō me egō is ginomai greater emprosthen than I egō, because hoti he existed eimi before prōtos me egō.’”

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