John 20:19-20
New Life Version
Jesus Was Seen by His Followers—Thomas Was Not There
19 It was evening of the first day of the week. The followers had gathered together with the doors locked because they were afraid of the Jews. Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “May you have peace.” 20 When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. When the followers saw the Lord, they were filled with joy.
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John 20:24-29
New Life Version
Thomas Does Not Believe Jesus Is Raised from the Dead (A)
24 Thomas was not with them when Jesus came. He was one of the twelve followers and was called the Twin. 25 The other followers told him, “We have seen the Lord!” He said to them, “I will not believe until I see the marks made by the nails in His hands. I will not believe until I put my finger into the marks of the nails. I will not believe until I put my hand into His side.”
Jesus Was Seen Again by His Followers—Thomas Was There
26 Eight days later the followers were again inside a house. Thomas was with them. The doors were locked. Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “May you have peace!” 27 He said to Thomas, “Put your finger into My hands. Put your hand into My side. Do not doubt, believe!” 28 Thomas said to Him, “My Lord and my God!” 29 Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you believe. Those are happy who have never seen Me and yet believe!”
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