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The Lord Will Prepare the Way

14 I, the Lord, will rescue you!
I am Israel's holy God,
    and this is my promise:
For your sake, I will send
    an army against Babylon
to drag its people away,
    crying as they go.[a]

15 I am the Lord, your holy God,
    Israel's Creator and King.
16 I am the one who cut a path
    through the mighty ocean.
17 I sent an army to chase you
    with chariots and horses;
now they lie dead,
    unable to move.
They are like an oil lamp
    with the flame snuffed out.

Forget the Past

The Lord said:

18 Forget what happened long ago!
    Don't think about the past.
19 I am creating something new.
    There it is! Do you see it?
I have put roads in deserts,
    streams[b] in thirsty lands.
20 Every wild animal honors me,
    even jackals[c] and owls.
I provide water in deserts—
streams in thirsty lands
    for my chosen people.
21 I made them my own nation,
    so they would praise me.

22 I, the Lord, said to Israel:
You have become weary of me,
    but not from worshiping me.
23 You have not honored me
by sacrificing sheep
    or other animals.
And I have not burdened you
with demands for sacrifices
    or sweet-smelling incense.

24 You have not brought
    delicious spices for me
or given me the best part
    of your sacrificed animals.
Instead, you burden me down
    with your terrible sins.
25 But I wipe away your sins
    because of who I am.
And so, I will forget
    the wrongs you have done.

26 Meet me in court!
State your case and prove
    that you are right.
27 Your earliest ancestor[d]
and all your leaders[e]
    rebelled against me.
28 That's why I don't allow
    your priests to serve me;
I let Israel be destroyed
    and your people disgraced.

The Lord's Promise to Israel

44 People of Israel,
I have chosen you
    as my servant.
I am your Creator.
You were in my care
    even before you were born.
Israel, don't be terrified!
You are my chosen servant,
    my very favorite.[f]

I will bless the thirsty land
    by sending streams of water;
I will bless your descendants
    by giving them my Spirit.
They will spring up like grass[g]
or like willow trees
    near flowing streams.
They will worship me
    and become my people.
They will write my name
    on the back of their hands.[h]


  1. 43.14 crying as they go: Or “in their glorious ships.”
  2. 43.19 streams: The Standard Hebrew Text; the Dead Sea Scrolls “paths.”
  3. 43.20 jackals: Desert animals related to wolves, but smaller.
  4. 43.27 earliest ancestor: Jacob, also known as Israel.
  5. 43.27 leaders: Probably prophets, but perhaps also priests and kings.
  6. 44.2 my very favorite: Or “Jeshurun.”
  7. 44.4 like grass: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  8. 44.5 write … hands: To show that they belong to the Lord and to Israel.

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