21 The Lord was pleased for His righteousness’ sake
To make the Law (A)great and glorious.
22 But this is a people plundered and pillaged;
All of them are (B)trapped in [a]caves,
Or are (C)hidden away in prisons;
They have become plunder, with no one to save them,
And spoils with no one to say, “Give them back!”

23 Who among you will listen to this?
Who will pay attention and listen in the time to come?
24 Who gave Jacob up for spoils, and Israel to plunderers?
Was it not the Lord, against whom we have sinned,
And in whose ways they (D)were not willing to walk,
And whose Law they did not (E)obey?
25 So He poured out on him the heat of His anger
And the (F)fierceness of battle;
And it set him aflame all around,
Yet he did not recognize it;
And it burned him, but he [b](G)paid no attention.

Israel Redeemed

43 But now, this is what the Lord says, He who is your (H)Creator, Jacob,
And He who (I)formed you, Israel:
“Do not (J)fear, for I have (K)redeemed you;
I have (L)called you by name; you are (M)Mine!
When you (N)pass through the waters, (O)I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.
When you (P)walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,
Nor will the flame burn you.
For (Q)I am the Lord your God,
The Holy One of Israel, your (R)Savior;
I have given Egypt as your ransom,
[c](S)Cush and Seba in exchange for you.
Since you are (T)precious in My sight,
Since you are (U)honored and I (V)love you,
I will give other people in your place and other nations in exchange for your life.


  1. Isaiah 42:22 Or holes
  2. Isaiah 42:25 Lit did not lay it to heart
  3. Isaiah 43:3 Or Ethiopia

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