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Jacob and Laban

25 After Joseph was born, Jacob said to Laban, “Release me from our agreement[a] and let me return to my own country. 26 You know how hard I've worked for you, so let me take my wives and children and leave.”

27-28 But Laban told him, “If you really are my friend, stay on, and I'll pay whatever you ask. I'm sure[b] the Lord has blessed me because of you.”

29 Jacob answered:

You've seen how hard I've worked for you, and you know how your flocks and herds have grown under my care. 30 You didn't have much before I came, but the Lord has blessed everything I have ever done for you. Now it's time for me to start looking out for my own family.

31 “How much do you want me to pay you?” Laban asked.

Then Jacob told him:

I don't want you to pay me anything. Just do one thing, and I'll take care of your sheep and goats. 32 Let me go through your flocks and herds and take the sheep and goats that are either spotted or speckled[c] and the black lambs. That's all you need to give me. 33 In the future you can easily find out if I've been honest. Just look and see if my animals are either spotted or speckled, or if the lambs are black. If they aren't, they've been stolen from you.

34 “I agree to that,” was Laban's response. 35 Before the end of the day, Laban had separated his spotted and speckled animals and the black lambs from the others and had put his sons in charge of them. 36 Then Laban made Jacob keep the rest of the sheep and goats at a distance of three days' journey.

37 Jacob cut branches from some poplar trees and from some almond and evergreen trees. He peeled off part of the bark and made the branches look spotted and speckled. 38 Then he put the branches where the sheep and goats would see them[d] while they were drinking from the water trough. The goats mated there 39 in front of the branches, and their young were spotted and speckled.

40 Some of the sheep that Jacob was keeping for Laban were already spotted. And when the others were ready to mate, he made sure that they faced in the direction of the spotted and black ones. In this way, Jacob built up a flock of sheep for himself and did not put them with the other sheep.

41 When the stronger sheep were mating near the drinking place, Jacob made sure that the spotted branches were there. 42 But he would not put out the branches when the weaker animals were mating. So Jacob got all of the healthy animals, and Laban got what was left. 43 Jacob soon became rich and successful. He owned many sheep, goats, camels, and donkeys, as well as a lot of slaves.

Jacob Runs from Laban

31 Jacob heard that Laban's sons were complaining, “Jacob is now a rich man, and he got everything he owns from our father.” Jacob also noticed that Laban was not as friendly as he had been before. One day the Lord said, “Jacob, go back to your relatives in the land of your ancestors, and I will be with you.”

Jacob sent for Rachel and Leah to meet him in the pasture where he kept his sheep, and he told them:

Your father isn't as friendly with me as he used to be, but the God my ancestors worshiped has been on my side. You know that I have worked hard for your father and that he keeps cheating me by changing my wages time after time. But God has protected me. When your father said the speckled sheep would be my wages, all of them were speckled. And when he said the spotted ones would be mine, all of them were spotted. That's how God has taken sheep and goats from your father and given them to me.

10 Once, when the flocks were mating, I dreamed that all the rams were either spotted or speckled. 11 Then God's angel called me by name. I answered, 12 and he said, “Notice that all the rams are either spotted or speckled. I know everything Laban is doing to you, 13 (A) and I am the God you worshiped at Bethel,[e] when you poured olive oil on a rock and made a promise to me. Leave here at once and return to the land where you were born.”

14 Rachel and Leah said to Jacob:

There's nothing left for us to inherit from our father. 15 He treats us like foreigners and has even cheated us out of the bride price[f] that should have been ours. 16 So do whatever God tells you to do. Even the property God took from our father and gave to you really belongs to us and our children.

17 Then Jacob, his wives, and his children got on camels and left 18 northern Syria[g] for the home of his father Isaac in Canaan. Jacob took along all his flocks, herds, and other property.

19 Before Rachel left, she stole the household idols[h] while Laban was out shearing his sheep.

20 Jacob tricked Laban the Aramean[i] by not saying that he intended to leave. 21 When Jacob crossed the Euphrates River and headed for the hill country of Gilead, he took with him everything he owned.


  1. 30.25 Release … agreement: Jacob had agreed to work seven years for each of Laban's two daughters (see 29.18).
  2. 30.27,28 I'm sure: The Hebrew says he found this out by some kind of magic, such as fortunetelling.
  3. 30.32 spotted or speckled: In ancient times sheep were usually white, and goats were usually black or dark brown; only a few sheep would have black spots, and only a few goats would have white spots.
  4. 30.38 would see them: It was believed by some that what sheep and goats saw at the time of breeding would determine the color of their young.
  5. 31.13 you … Bethel: Or “who appeared to you at Bethel.”
  6. 31.15 bride price: Usually the husband-to-be paid a bride price to the father of the bride. But Jacob didn't pay Laban a bride price for either Rachel or Leah. Instead he was tricked into working 14 years to get the bride he loved. So there was no money for either of Laban's daughters.
  7. 31.18 northern Syria: See the note at 24.10.
  8. 31.19 household idols: These were thought to protect the household from danger. It is also possible that the person who had them would inherit the family property.
  9. 31.20 the Aramean: Meaning someone from northern Syria (see the note at 24.10).

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