17 Then Abraham (A)fell on his face (B)and laughed and said to himself, “Shall a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?”

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19 He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was (A)as good as dead ((B)since he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered (C)the barrenness[a] of Sarah's womb.

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  1. Romans 4:19 Greek deadness

11 By faith (A)Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered (B)him faithful who had promised. 12 Therefore from one man, and (C)him as good as dead, were born descendants (D)as many as the stars of heaven and as many as the innumerable grains of sand by the seashore.

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