2 Corinthians 6:3-10
New International Version
Paul’s Hardships
3 We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path,(A) so that our ministry will not be discredited. 4 Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; 5 in beatings, imprisonments(B) and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger;(C) 6 in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit(D) and in sincere love;(E) 7 in truthful speech(F) and in the power of God;(G) with weapons of righteousness(H) in the right hand and in the left; 8 through glory and dishonor,(I) bad report(J) and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors;(K) 9 known, yet regarded as unknown; dying,(L) and yet we live on;(M) beaten, and yet not killed; 10 sorrowful, yet always rejoicing;(N) poor, yet making many rich;(O) having nothing,(P) and yet possessing everything.(Q)
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