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24 Then they proceeded to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings.

Now Jehu had stationed eighty men outside, saying, “Whoever allows any of those to escape whom I deliver into your hands shall forfeit his life.”(A) 25 As soon as he had finished presenting the burnt offering, Jehu said to the guards and to the officers, “Come in and kill them; let no one escape.” So they put them to the sword. The guards and the officers threw them out and then went into the citadel of the temple of Baal.(B) 26 They brought out the pillar[a] that was in the temple of Baal and burned it.(C)

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  1. 10.26 Gk Vg Syr Tg: Heb pillars

24 So they went in to make sacrifices and burnt offerings. Now Jehu had posted eighty men outside with this warning: “If one of you lets any of the men I am placing in your hands escape, it will be your life for his life.”(A)

25 As soon as Jehu had finished making the burnt offering, he ordered the guards and officers: “Go in and kill(B) them; let no one escape.”(C) So they cut them down with the sword. The guards and officers threw the bodies out and then entered the inner shrine of the temple of Baal. 26 They brought the sacred stone(D) out of the temple of Baal and burned it.

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